
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * This file is part of the "Archon" framework.
00003  * (
00004  *
00005  * Copyright © 2002 by Kristian Spangsege and Brian Kristiansen.
00006  *
00007  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
00008  * its documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is
00009  * hereby granted. No representations are made about the suitability of
00010  * this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
00011  * or implied warranty. See the GNU General Public License
00012  * ( for more details.
00013  *
00014  * The characters in this file are ISO8859-1 encoded.
00015  *
00016  * The documentation in this file is in "Doxygen" style
00017  * (
00018  */
00030 #include <iostream>
00032 #include <archon/math/vector.H>
00033 #include <archon/util/time.H>
00034 #include <archon/util/mutex.H>
00035 #include <archon/util/ref.H>
00036 #include <archon/util/options.H>
00038 #include <archon/x3d/proxy/exception.H>
00039 #include <archon/x3d/proxy/proxy.H>
00041 namespace Archon
00042 {
00043   namespace SaiTestApps
00044   {
00045     namespace Clock
00046     {
00047       using namespace std;
00048       using namespace Math;
00049       using namespace Utilities;
00050       using namespace X3D::Proxy;
00052       static bool quit = false;
00053       static Ref<Material> quitMaterial;
00055       static bool fastForward = false;
00056       static Ref<Material> fastForwardMaterial;
00058       void quitIsOver(const bool v)
00059       {
00060         quitMaterial->diffuseColor = (v ? Vector3(1, 0, 0) : Vector3(0.8, 0.3, 0.3));
00061       }
00063       void quitTouch(const Time)
00064       {
00065         quit = true;
00066       }
00068       void fastForwardIsOver(const bool v)
00069       {
00070         fastForwardMaterial->diffuseColor = (v ? Vector3(0, 1, 0) : Vector3(0.3, 0.8, 0.3));
00071       }
00073       void fastForwardTouch(const Time)
00074       {
00075         fastForward = !fastForward;
00076       }
00078       int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
00079       {
00080         bool   opt_help              = false;
00081         int    opt_corbaEndpointPort = -1; // Auto assign
00082         string opt_serverName        = "archon";
00084         Options o;
00086         o.addSwitch("h", "help", opt_help, true,
00087                  "Describe the parameters");
00088         o.addConfig("p", "corba-endpoint-port", opt_corbaEndpointPort, opt_corbaEndpointPort,
00089                  "The TCP/IP port on which the CORBA Orb listens (-1 for auto assign)",
00090                  Options::wantArg_always);
00091         o.addConfig("n", "server-name", opt_serverName, opt_serverName,
00092                  "The name of the server to connect to",
00093                  Options::wantArg_always);
00095         if(o.processCommandLine(argc, argv))
00096         {
00097           cerr << "Try --help\n";
00098           return 1;
00099         }
00101         if(opt_help)
00102         {
00103           cout <<
00104             "Test Application for 3D-Console by Brian Kristiansen & Kristian Spangsege\n"
00105             "\n"
00106             "Synopsis: " << argv[0] << "\n"
00107             "\n"
00108             "Available options:\n";
00109           cout << o.list();
00110           return 0;
00111         }
00113         if(argc > 1)
00114         {
00115           cerr << "Too many aguments\n";
00116           cerr << "Try --help\n";
00117           return 1;
00118         }
00120         Ref<Session> session =
00121           Session::create(opt_serverName, opt_corbaEndpointPort);
00123         Ref<Application> application =
00124           Application::create(session, Uri());
00126         session->beginUpdate();
00128         Ref<Group> rootGroup = Group::create(application);
00130         Ref<Transform> rootTransform = Transform::create(application);
00131         rootTransform->rotation = Rotation3(Vector3(1, 0, 0), M_PI/2);
00132         rootTransform->scale = Vector3(8, 8, 8);
00133         rootGroup->children.add(rootTransform);
00135         {
00136           Ref<Cylinder> cyl = Cylinder::create(application);
00137           cyl->side = false;
00138           cyl->top = true;
00139           cyl->bottom = false;
00140           cyl->height = 0.1;
00141           Ref<Shape> shape = Shape::create(application);
00142           shape->geometry = cyl;
00143           Ref<Appearance> apperance = Appearance::create(application);
00144           apperance->material = Material::create(application);
00145           Ref<ImageTexture> texture = ImageTexture::create(application);
00146           texture->url.add("clock.png");
00147           apperance->texture = texture;
00148           shape->appearance = apperance;
00149           rootTransform->children.add(shape);
00150         }
00152         {
00153           Ref<Cylinder> cyl = Cylinder::create(application);
00154           cyl->side = true;
00155           cyl->top = false;
00156           cyl->bottom = true;
00157           cyl->height = 0.1;
00158           Ref<Shape> shape = Shape::create(application);
00159           shape->geometry = cyl;
00160           Ref<Appearance> apperance = Appearance::create(application);
00161           apperance->material = Material::create(application);
00162           shape->appearance = apperance;
00163           rootTransform->children.add(shape);
00164         }
00166         // Quit
00167         {
00168           Ref<Cylinder> cyl = Cylinder::create(application);
00169           cyl->side = true;
00170           cyl->top = true;
00171           cyl->bottom = false;
00172           cyl->height = 0.1;
00173           cyl->radius = 0.04;
00174           Ref<Shape> shape = Shape::create(application);
00175           shape->geometry = cyl;
00176           Ref<Appearance> apperance = Appearance::create(application);
00177           quitMaterial = Material::create(application);
00178           quitMaterial->diffuseColor = Vector3(0.8, 0.3, 0.3);
00179           apperance->material = quitMaterial;
00180           shape->appearance = apperance;
00181           Ref<TouchSensor> touch = TouchSensor::create(application);
00182           touch->isOver.registerInterest<SFBool>(new FuncCaller<SFBool>(quitIsOver));
00183           touch->touchTime.registerInterest<SFTime>(new FuncCaller<SFTime>(quitTouch));
00184           Ref<Transform> transform = Transform::create(application);
00185           transform->children.add(shape);
00186           transform->children.add(touch);
00187           transform->translation = Vector3(0, 0, -1.03);
00188           transform->rotation = Rotation3(Vector3(-1, 0, 0), M_PI/2);
00189           rootTransform->children.add(transform);
00190         }
00192         // Fast forward
00193         {
00194           Ref<Cylinder> cyl = Cylinder::create(application);
00195           cyl->side = true;
00196           cyl->top = true;
00197           cyl->bottom = false;
00198           cyl->height = 0.1;
00199           cyl->radius = 0.04;
00200           Ref<Shape> shape = Shape::create(application);
00201           shape->geometry = cyl;
00202           Ref<Appearance> apperance = Appearance::create(application);
00203           fastForwardMaterial = Material::create(application);
00204           fastForwardMaterial->diffuseColor = Vector3(0.3, 0.8, 0.3);
00205           apperance->material = fastForwardMaterial;
00206           shape->appearance = apperance;
00207           Ref<TouchSensor> touch = TouchSensor::create(application);
00208           touch->isOver.registerInterest<SFBool>(new FuncCaller<SFBool>(fastForwardIsOver));
00209           touch->touchTime.registerInterest<SFTime>(new FuncCaller<SFTime>(fastForwardTouch));
00210           Ref<Transform> subTransform = Transform::create(application);
00211           subTransform->children.add(shape);
00212           subTransform->children.add(touch);
00213           subTransform->translation = Vector3(0, 0, -1.03);
00214           subTransform->rotation = Rotation3(Vector3(-1, 0, 0), M_PI/2);
00215           Ref<Transform> transform = Transform::create(application);
00216           transform->children.add(subTransform);
00217           transform->rotation = Rotation3(Vector3(0, -1, 0), M_PI/16);
00218           rootTransform->children.add(transform);
00219         }
00221         Ref<ChildNode> pointer;
00222         {
00223           Ref<Box> box = Box::create(application);
00224           box->size = Vector3(0.05, 0.02, 0.9);
00225           Ref<Shape> shape = Shape::create(application);
00226           shape->geometry = box;
00227           Ref<Appearance> apperance = Appearance::create(application);
00228           Ref<Material> material = Material::create(application);
00229           material->diffuseColor = Vector3(0.5, 0.2, 0.2);
00230           apperance->material = material;
00231           shape->appearance = apperance;
00232           Ref<Transform> transform = Transform::create(application);
00233           transform->children.add(shape);
00234           transform->translation = Vector3(0, 0, -0.4);
00235           pointer = transform;
00236         }
00238         Ref<Transform> seconds = Transform::create(application);
00239         seconds->children.add(pointer);
00240         seconds->translation = Vector3(0, 0.1, 0);
00241         seconds->scale = Vector3(0.3, 1, 1);
00242         rootTransform->children.add(seconds);
00244         Ref<Transform> minutes = Transform::create(application);
00245         minutes->children.add(pointer);
00246         minutes->translation = Vector3(0, 0.08, 0);
00247         rootTransform->children.add(minutes);
00249         Ref<Transform> hours = Transform::create(application);
00250         hours->children.add(pointer);
00251         hours->translation = Vector3(0, 0.06, 0);
00252         hours->scale = Vector3(1, 1, 0.6);
00253         rootTransform->children.add(hours);
00255         session->endUpdate();
00257         application->setRootGroup(rootGroup);
00258         application->launch();
00260         long addition = 0;
00262         Archon::Utilities::Time delay(0, 100000000l);
00263         while(!quit)
00264         {
00265           long sec, nsec;
00266           Time t = Time::now();
00267           if(fastForward) addition += 60000;
00268           t.addMilliSeconds(addition);
00269           t.get(sec, nsec);
00270           time_t t1 = sec;
00271           tm t2;
00272           localtime_r(&t1, &t2);
00274           double n = nsec/1E9;
00275           double s = (t2.tm_sec + n)/60;
00276           double m = (t2.tm_min + s)/60;
00277           double h = (t2.tm_hour + m)/12;
00279           session->beginUpdate();
00281           seconds->rotation = Rotation3(Vector3(0, -1, 0), s*2*M_PI);
00282           minutes->rotation = Rotation3(Vector3(0, -1, 0), m*2*M_PI);
00283           hours->rotation = Rotation3(Vector3(0, -1, 0), h*2*M_PI);
00285           session->endUpdate();
00286           Archon::Utilities::Thread::sleep(delay);
00287         }
00289         return 0;
00290       }
00291     }
00292   }
00293 }
00295 int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) throw()
00296 {
00297   using namespace std;
00298   using namespace Archon::Utilities;
00299   using namespace Archon::X3D;
00301   set_unexpected(Exception::terminal<Proxy::exceptionCatchInfo>);
00302   set_terminate (Exception::terminal<Proxy::exceptionCatchInfo>);
00304   return Archon::SaiTestApps::Clock::main(argc, argv);
00305 }

Generated on Sun Jul 30 22:55:41 2006 for Archon by  doxygen 1.4.4