
00001 /*
00002  * This file is part of the "Archon" framework.
00003  * (http://files3d.sourceforge.net)
00004  *
00005  * Copyright © 2002 by Kristian Spangsege and Brian Kristiansen.
00006  *
00007  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
00008  * its documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is
00009  * hereby granted. No representations are made about the suitability of
00010  * this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
00011  * or implied warranty. See the GNU General Public License
00012  * (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) for more details.
00013  *
00014  * The characters in this file are ISO8859-1 encoded.
00015  *
00016  * The documentation in this file is in "Doxygen" style
00017  * (http://www.doxygen.org).
00018  */
00020 #include <stack>
00021 #include <map>
00022 #include <list>
00023 #include <algorithm>
00025 #include <archon/util/text.H>
00026 #include <archon/util/nfa.H>
00028 #include <archon/util/dfa.H>
00030 using namespace std;
00032 namespace Archon
00033 {
00034   namespace Utilities
00035   {
00036     bool DFA::testEquivalence(int s1, int s2, const vector<int> &partitionMap) const
00037     {
00038       const State &state1 = states[s1];
00039       const State &state2 = states[s2];
00041       vector<Edge>::const_iterator e1 = state1.edges.begin();
00042       vector<Edge>::const_iterator e2 = state2.edges.begin();
00044       while(e1 != state1.edges.end() || e2 != state2.edges.end())
00045       {
00046         if(e2 == state2.edges.end())
00047         {
00048           if(partitionMap[e1->targetState]) return false;
00049           ++e1;
00050           continue;
00051         }
00053         if(e1 == state1.edges.end())
00054         {
00055           if(partitionMap[e2->targetState]) return false;
00056           ++e2;
00057           continue;
00058         }
00060         if(e1->begin < e2->begin)
00061         {
00062           if(partitionMap[e1->targetState]) return false;
00064           if(e1->end < e2->begin)
00065           {
00066             ++e1;
00067             continue;
00068           }
00069         }
00070         else if(e1->begin > e2->begin)
00071         {
00072           if(partitionMap[e2->targetState]) return false;
00074           if(e1->begin > e2->end)
00075           {
00076             ++e2;
00077             continue;
00078           }
00079         }
00081         for(;;)
00082         {
00083           if(partitionMap[e1->targetState] !=
00084              partitionMap[e2->targetState]) return false;
00086           if(e1->end < e2->end)
00087           {
00088             const unsigned u = e1->end;
00089             ++e1;
00090             if(e1 == state1.edges.end() || u < e1->begin-1) break;
00091           }
00092           else if(e1->end > e2->end)
00093           {
00094             const unsigned u = e2->end;
00095             ++e2;
00096             if(e2 == state2.edges.end() || u < e2->begin-1) break;
00097           }
00098           else
00099           {
00100             ++e1;
00101             ++e2;
00102             break;
00103           }
00104         }
00105       }
00107       return true;
00108     }
00110     void DFA::minimize(DFA *targetDFA) const
00111     {
00115       vector<int> partitionMap(states.size());
00117       // Construct the initial partitioning
00118       {
00119         map<int, int> m;
00120         m.insert(make_pair(-1, 0)).first->second;
00121         for(unsigned i=0; i<states.size(); ++i)
00122         {
00123           const int r = states[i].finalValue;
00124           partitionMap[i] = m.insert(make_pair(r < 0 ? -1 : r, m.size())).first->second;
00125         }
00126       }
00128       bool again;
00130       do
00131       {
00132         again = false;
00134         // Gather the states of each partition
00135         map<int, list<int> > partitions;
00136         for(unsigned i=0; i<partitionMap.size(); ++i)
00137           partitions[partitionMap[i]].push_back(i);
00139         // First partition (index 0) is always the dead one (the one
00140         // containing the virtual dead state)
00141         int newPartitionIndex = 1;
00143         // Subdivide each partition
00144         for(map<int, list<int> >::iterator i=partitions.begin();
00145             i!=partitions.end(); ++i)
00146         {
00147           list<int> &p = i->second;
00149           // Handle the dead partition
00150           if(i->first == 0)
00151           {
00152             list<int>::iterator j1=p.begin();
00153             while(j1 != p.end())
00154             {
00155               list<int>::iterator j2 = j1;
00156               ++j1;
00158               const vector<Edge> &e = states[*j2].edges;
00159               vector<Edge>::const_iterator i=e.begin();
00160               while(i!=e.end())
00161               {
00162                 if(partitionMap[i->targetState]) break;
00163                 ++i;
00164               }
00165               if(i!=e.end())
00166               {
00167                 again = true;
00168                 continue;
00169               }
00171               partitionMap[*j2] = 0;
00173               p.erase(j2);
00174             }
00175           }
00177           while(p.size())
00178           {
00179             int s = p.front();
00180             p.pop_front();
00182             list<int>::iterator j1=p.begin();
00183             while(j1 != p.end())
00184             {
00185               list<int>::iterator j2 = j1;
00186               ++j1;
00188               if(!testEquivalence(s, *j2, partitionMap))
00189               {
00190                 again = true;
00191                 continue;
00192               }
00194               partitionMap[*j2] = newPartitionIndex;
00196               p.erase(j2);
00197             }
00199             partitionMap[s] = newPartitionIndex;
00200             ++newPartitionIndex;
00201           }
00202         }
00203       }
00204       while(again);
00206       // Construct the new minimized DFA from the reachable partitions
00207       // of the old one.
00208       {
00209         map<int, int> newStateMap; // Maps partition index to new state index
00210         stack<int> uncheckedStates;
00212         // Add a new start state for each unique start partition
00213         for(unsigned i=0; i<startStates.size(); ++i)
00214         {
00215           const int s = startStates[i];
00216           pair<map<int, int>::iterator, bool> r =
00217             newStateMap.insert(make_pair(partitionMap[s], i));
00218           if(r.second)
00219           {
00220             targetDFA->startStates.push_back(targetDFA->states.size());
00221             targetDFA->states.push_back(State(states[s].finalValue));
00222             uncheckedStates.push(s);
00223           }
00224         }
00226         while(uncheckedStates.size())
00227         {
00228           const int s = uncheckedStates.top();
00229           uncheckedStates.pop();
00230           const int f = newStateMap[partitionMap[s]];
00231           const vector<Edge> &v = states[s].edges;
00232           for(vector<Edge>::const_iterator e=v.begin(); e<v.end(); ++e)
00233           {
00234             const int p = partitionMap[e->targetState];
00235             if(!p) continue; // Dont ever jump to the dead partition
00236             pair<map<int, int>::iterator, bool> r =
00237               newStateMap.insert(make_pair(p, targetDFA->states.size()));
00238             if(r.second)
00239             {
00240               targetDFA->states.push_back(State(states[e->targetState].finalValue));
00241               uncheckedStates.push(e->targetState);
00242             }
00243             vector<Edge> &w = targetDFA->states[f].edges;
00244             if(w.size() && w.back().end == e->begin-1 &&
00245                w.back().targetState == r.first->second) w.back().end = e->end;
00246             else w.push_back(Edge(e->begin, e->end, r.first->second));
00247           }
00248         }
00249       }
00250     }
00252     void DFA::makeNFA(NFA *a) const
00253     {
00254       a->states.resize(states.size());
00255       for(unsigned i=0; i<states.size(); ++i)
00256       {
00257         const State &s = states[i];
00258         NFA::State &t = a->states[i];
00259         t.finalValue = s.finalValue;
00260         t.symbolEdges.reserve(s.edges.size());
00261         for(unsigned j=0; j<s.edges.size(); ++j)
00262         {
00263           const Edge &e = s.edges[j];
00264           t.symbolEdges.push_back(NFA::Edge(e.begin, e.end, e.targetState));
00265         }
00266       }
00267       a->startStates = startStates;
00268     }
00270     int DFA::addStartState(int finalValue)
00271     {
00272       startStates.push_back(states.size());
00273       return addState(finalValue);
00274     }
00276     int DFA::addState(int finalValue)
00277     {
00278       states.push_back(State(finalValue));
00279       return states.size()-1;
00280     }
00282     void DFA::addEdgeRange(unsigned begin, unsigned end,
00283                            int originalState, int targetState)
00284     {
00285       states[originalState].edges.push_back(Edge(begin, end, targetState));
00286     }
00288     DFA::DFA(const NFA &nfa, vector<set<int> > *stateSets, AnchorInfo *anchorInfo)
00289     {
00290       if(!nfa.states.size())
00291         ARCHON_THROW1(ArgumentException, "Cannot create a DFA from a null NFA");
00292       nfa.constructDFA(this, stateSets, anchorInfo);
00293     }
00295     DFA::DFA(Minimize m)
00296     {
00297       m.a.minimize(this);
00298     }
00300     struct DefaultPrinter: DFA::Printer
00301     {
00302       string printSymbol(unsigned s) const
00303       {
00304         return Text::toString(s);
00305       }
00306     };
00308     const DFA::Printer &DFA::getDefaultPrinter()
00309     {
00310       static DefaultPrinter defaultPrinter;
00311       return defaultPrinter;
00312     }
00314     string DFA::print(const Printer &printer, int width) const
00315     {
00316       vector<double> columnWidthFractions;
00317       columnWidthFractions.push_back(0.1);
00318       columnWidthFractions.push_back(0.1);
00319       columnWidthFractions.push_back(0.8);
00320       Text::Table<string> table(states.size()+1, columnWidthFractions);
00321       table(0, 0) = "State";
00322       table(0, 1) = "Final";
00323       table(0, 2) = "DFA-transitions";
00324       for(unsigned i=0; i<states.size(); ++i)
00325       {
00326         const State &s = states[i];
00327         table(i+1, 0) = Text::toString(i);
00328         if(find(startStates.begin(), startStates.end(), static_cast<int>(i))!=startStates.end())
00329           table(i+1, 0) += "*";
00330         if(s.finalValue >= 0) table(i+1, 1) = Text::toString(s.finalValue);
00331         for(unsigned j=0; j<s.edges.size(); ++j)
00332         {
00333           if(j) table(i+1, 2) += ", ";
00334           const Edge &e = s.edges[j];
00335           table(i+1, 2) += "'" + printer.printSymbol(e.begin) + "'";
00336           if(e.begin < e.end)
00337             table(i+1, 2) += "-'" + printer.printSymbol(e.end) + "'";
00338           table(i+1, 2) += " -> " + Text::toString(e.targetState);
00339         }
00340       }
00342       return Text::format(table, width, 2, true);      
00343     }
00344   }
00345 }

Generated on Sun Jul 30 22:55:44 2006 for Archon by  doxygen 1.4.4