Archon::X3D::Proxy Namespace Reference

Holds an implementation of the C++ language bindings of the Scene Access Interface (SAI) to applications written in C++. More...


struct  Application
struct  ExecutionContext
struct  Disposer
 This class implements an asynchroniously executing thread that is responsible for pushing information to the server about the disposal of ExecutionContexts, Nodes and Routes. More...
struct  EventHandlerBase
struct  EventHandler
struct  EventHandler< SFNode< C > >
struct  EventHandler< MFNode< C > >
struct  FuncCaller
struct  CookieFuncCaller
struct  Field
struct  FieldGet
struct  FieldGet< SFNode< C > >
struct  FieldGet< MFNode< C > >
struct  FieldSet
struct  FieldSet< SFNode< C > >
struct  FieldSet< MFNode< C > >
struct  FieldSeqGet
struct  FieldSeqGet< MFNode< C > >
struct  FieldSeqSet
struct  FieldSeqSet< MFNode< C > >
struct  EventSource
struct  EventTarget
struct  EventSourceSeq
struct  EventTargetSeq
struct  InitializeOnly
struct  InputOnly
struct  OutputOnly
struct  InputOutput
struct  InitializeOnlySeq
struct  InputOnlySeq
struct  OutputOnlySeq
struct  InputOutputSeq
struct  SFBool
struct  MFBool
struct  SFColor
struct  MFColor
struct  SFColorRGBA
struct  MFColorRGBA
struct  SFDouble
struct  MFDouble
struct  SFFloat
struct  MFFloat
struct  SFImage
struct  MFImage
struct  SFInt32
struct  MFInt32
struct  SFNode
struct  MFNode
struct  SFRotation
struct  MFRotation
struct  SFString
struct  MFString
struct  SFTime
struct  MFTime
struct  SFVec2d
struct  MFVec2d
struct  SFVec2f
struct  MFVec2f
struct  SFVec3d
struct  MFVec3d
struct  SFVec3f
struct  MFVec3f
struct  MetadataObject
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  Node
 Abstract X3D node (virtual base). More...
struct  ChildNode
 Abstract X3D node (virtual base). More...
struct  SensorNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  MetadataDouble
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  MetadataFloat
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  MetadataInteger
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  MetadataSet
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  MetadataString
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  TimeDependentNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  TimeSensor
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  UrlObject
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  SubSceneNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  Inline
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  ApplicationLink
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  BoundedObject
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  GroupingNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  Group
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  Switch
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  Transform
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  GeometricPropertyNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  ColorNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  CoordinateNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  NormalNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  Color
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  ColorRGBA
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  Coordinate
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  Normal
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  TextureCoordinateNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  TextureCoordinate
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  AppearanceChildNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  TextureTransformNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  TextureTransform
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  TextureNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  Texture2DNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  ImageTexture
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  PixelTexture
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  MaterialNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  Material
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  AppearanceNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  Appearance
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  BindableNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  Fog
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  Background
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  GeometryNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  Geometry3DNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  Box
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  Cone
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  Cylinder
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  IndexedLineSet
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  PointSet
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  Sphere
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  ComposedGeometryNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  IndexedFaceSet
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  ElevationGrid
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  ShapeNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  Shape
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  FontStyleNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  FontStyle
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  TextNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  Text
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  LightNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  DirectionalLight
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  PointLight
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  SpotLight
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  InterpolatorNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  ColorInterpolator
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  CoordinateInterpolator
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  CoordinateInterpolator2D
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  NormalInterpolator
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  OrientationInterpolator
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  PositionInterpolator
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  PositionInterpolator2D
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  ScalarInterpolator
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  Billboard
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  Viewpoint
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  PointingDeviceSensorNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  DragSensorNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  PlaneSensor
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  SphereSensor
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  CylinderSensor
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  TouchSensorNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  TouchSensor
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  ScriptNode
 Abstract X3D node. More...
struct  Script
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  Torus
 Concrete X3D node. More...
struct  NodeBase
 Virtual base class for all proxy X3D node types. More...
struct  Orb
struct  ServantRef
struct  AutoArrayPtr
struct  Session
struct  FieldDef
struct  NodeDef
struct  FieldLink
struct  NodeLink
struct  CorbaVal
struct  CorbaVal< bool >
struct  CorbaVal< int >
struct  CorbaVal< long >
struct  CorbaVal< float >
struct  CorbaVal< double >
struct  CorbaVal< string >
struct  CorbaVal< Ref< NodeBase > >
struct  Porter


typedef NodeBase *(* NodeInstantiator )(Session *, unsigned long id)


bool exceptionCatchInfo (Exception::Formatter format, string &result)
 Extract information from the last thrown exception.
string exceptionCatchShortExplanation ()
 Uses exceptionCatchInfo to generate a one-line description of the last thrown exception.
bool exceptionCatchInfo (Utilities::Exception::Formatter format, string &result)
 Extract information from the last thrown exception.


const unsigned long numberOfNodeTypes = 86
const unsigned fieldTypeIndexRoof = 30
const FieldDef fieldsOfMetadataObject []
const FieldDef fieldsOfNode []
const FieldDef fieldsOfSensorNode []
const FieldDef fieldsOfMetadataDouble []
const FieldDef fieldsOfMetadataFloat []
const FieldDef fieldsOfMetadataInteger []
const FieldDef fieldsOfMetadataSet []
const FieldDef fieldsOfMetadataString []
const FieldDef fieldsOfTimeDependentNode []
const FieldDef fieldsOfTimeSensor []
const FieldDef fieldsOfUrlObject []
const FieldDef fieldsOfInline []
const FieldDef fieldsOfBoundedObject []
const FieldDef fieldsOfGroupingNode []
const FieldDef fieldsOfSwitch []
const FieldDef fieldsOfTransform []
const FieldDef fieldsOfColor []
const FieldDef fieldsOfColorRGBA []
const FieldDef fieldsOfCoordinate []
const FieldDef fieldsOfNormal []
const FieldDef fieldsOfTextureCoordinate []
const FieldDef fieldsOfTextureTransform []
const FieldDef fieldsOfTexture2DNode []
const FieldDef fieldsOfPixelTexture []
const FieldDef fieldsOfMaterial []
const FieldDef fieldsOfAppearance []
const FieldDef fieldsOfBindableNode []
const FieldDef fieldsOfFog []
const FieldDef fieldsOfBackground []
const FieldDef fieldsOfBox []
const FieldDef fieldsOfCone []
const FieldDef fieldsOfCylinder []
const FieldDef fieldsOfIndexedLineSet []
const FieldDef fieldsOfPointSet []
const FieldDef fieldsOfSphere []
const FieldDef fieldsOfComposedGeometryNode []
const FieldDef fieldsOfIndexedFaceSet []
const FieldDef fieldsOfElevationGrid []
const FieldDef fieldsOfShape []
const FieldDef fieldsOfFontStyle []
const FieldDef fieldsOfText []
const FieldDef fieldsOfLightNode []
const FieldDef fieldsOfDirectionalLight []
const FieldDef fieldsOfPointLight []
const FieldDef fieldsOfSpotLight []
const FieldDef fieldsOfInterpolatorNode []
const FieldDef fieldsOfColorInterpolator []
const FieldDef fieldsOfCoordinateInterpolator []
const FieldDef fieldsOfCoordinateInterpolator2D []
const FieldDef fieldsOfNormalInterpolator []
const FieldDef fieldsOfOrientationInterpolator []
const FieldDef fieldsOfPositionInterpolator []
const FieldDef fieldsOfPositionInterpolator2D []
const FieldDef fieldsOfScalarInterpolator []
const FieldDef fieldsOfBillboard []
const FieldDef fieldsOfViewpoint []
const FieldDef fieldsOfPointingDeviceSensorNode []
const FieldDef fieldsOfDragSensorNode []
const FieldDef fieldsOfPlaneSensor []
const FieldDef fieldsOfSphereSensor []
const FieldDef fieldsOfCylinderSensor []
const FieldDef fieldsOfTouchSensorNode []
const FieldDef fieldsOfTouchSensor []
const FieldDef fieldsOfScript []
const FieldDef fieldsOfTorus []
const NodeDef nodeDefs []

Detailed Description

Holds an implementation of the C++ language bindings of the Scene Access Interface (SAI) to applications written in C++.

SAI is a part of the Extensible 3D (X3D) specification (ISO/IEC FDIS 19775:200x)

See also:

Function Documentation

bool Archon::X3D::Proxy::exceptionCatchInfo Utilities::Exception::Formatter  format,
string &  result

Extract information from the last thrown exception.

It re-throws the last thrown exception, and then attepts to catch any of the exception types known to this library. If this succeeds then the specified formatter is used to produce 'result' and true is returned. If the exception is unknown to this library then it just returns false.

This method is intended to be incorporated into similar methods in other libraries that interact with this library or in applications that need to check various different libraries for exceptions known to them.


   namespace MyApp
     bool exceptionCatchInfo(Archon::Utilities::Exception::Formatter format,
                             string &result)
       try { throw; }
       catch(MyFooException &e)
         result = (*format)(typeid(e), "", e.getMessage())
"; } catch(MyBarException &e) { result = (*format)(typeid(e), e.getLocation(), "")
"; } catch(...) { return Archon::Utilities::exceptionCatchInfo(formatter, result) || SomeCoolLib::exceptionCatchInfo(formatter, result) || SomeShitLib::exceptionCatchInfo(formatter, result); } return true; } }

   int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) throw()


If all your exceptions are derived from Archon::Utilities::Exception, then you do not need to write your own catchInfo function since Archon::Utilities::exceptionCatchInfo will know about it. If, on the other hand, you add new data to an exception derived from Utilities::Exception, and this data is not available through getMessage, you will need to provide your own exceptionCatchInfo to extract this data.
See also:

Definition at line 36 of file exception.H.

bool Archon::X3D::Proxy::exceptionCatchInfo Utilities::Exception::Formatter  format,
string &  result

Extract information from the last thrown exception.

It re-throws the last thrown exception, and then attepts to catch any of the exception types known to this library. If this succeeds then the specified formatter is used to produce 'result' and true is returned. If the exception is unknown to this library then it just returns false.

This method is intended to be incorporated into similar methods in other libraries that interact with this library or in applications that need to check various different libraries for exceptions known to them.


   namespace MyApp
     bool exceptionCatchInfo(Archon::Utilities::Exception::Formatter format,
                             string &result)
       try { throw; }
       catch(MyFooException &e)
         result = (*format)(typeid(e), "", e.getMessage())
"; } catch(MyBarException &e) { result = (*format)(typeid(e), e.getLocation(), "")
"; } catch(...) { return Archon::Utilities::exceptionCatchInfo(formatter, result) || SomeCoolLib::exceptionCatchInfo(formatter, result) || SomeShitLib::exceptionCatchInfo(formatter, result); } return true; } }

   int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) throw()


If all your exceptions are derived from Archon::Utilities::Exception, then you do not need to write your own catchInfo function since Archon::Utilities::exceptionCatchInfo will know about it. If, on the other hand, you add new data to an exception derived from Utilities::Exception, and this data is not available through getMessage, you will need to provide your own exceptionCatchInfo to extract this data.
See also:

Definition at line 38 of file exception.C.

References Archon::Utilities::exceptionCatchInfo().

Referenced by exceptionCatchShortExplanation().

string Archon::X3D::Proxy::exceptionCatchShortExplanation  ) 

Uses exceptionCatchInfo to generate a one-line description of the last thrown exception.

This is used to transport exceptions of unknown type across GIOP (General Inter-ORB Protocol.)

Definition at line 73 of file exception.C.

References exceptionCatchInfo(), Archon::Utilities::Exception::explainShort(), and Archon::Utilities::Exception::explainShortUnknown().

Referenced by Archon::X3D::Proxy::Session::StreamReaderServant::read().

Variable Documentation

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfAppearance[]

Initial value:

        { "material" },
        { "texture" },
        { "textureTransform" },

Definition at line 187 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfBackground[]

Initial value:

        { "groundAngle" },
        { "groundColor" },
        { "backUrl" },
        { "bottomUrl" },
        { "frontUrl" },
        { "leftUrl" },
        { "rightUrl" },
        { "topUrl" },
        { "skyAngle" },
        { "skyColor" },

Definition at line 208 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfBillboard[]

Initial value:

        { "axisOfRotation" },

Definition at line 416 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfBindableNode[]

Initial value:

        { "set_bind" },
        { "isBound" },
        { "bindTime" },

Definition at line 194 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfBoundedObject[]

Initial value:

        { "bboxCenter" },
        { "bboxSize" },

Definition at line 105 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfBox[]

Initial value:

        { "size" },

Definition at line 222 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfColor[]

Initial value:

        { "color" },

Definition at line 132 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfColorInterpolator[]

Initial value:

        { "keyValue" },
        { "value_changed" },

Definition at line 368 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfColorRGBA[]

Initial value:

        { "color" },

Definition at line 137 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfComposedGeometryNode[]

Initial value:

        { "color" },
        { "coord" },
        { "normal" },
        { "texCoord" },
        { "ccw" },
        { "colorPerVertex" },
        { "normalPerVertex" },
        { "solid" },

Definition at line 267 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfCone[]

Initial value:

        { "bottomRadius" },
        { "height" },
        { "side" },
        { "bottom" },

Definition at line 227 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfCoordinate[]

Initial value:

        { "point" },

Definition at line 142 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfCoordinateInterpolator[]

Initial value:

        { "keyValue" },
        { "value_changed" },

Definition at line 374 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfCoordinateInterpolator2D[]

Initial value:

        { "keyValue" },
        { "value_changed" },

Definition at line 380 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfCylinder[]

Initial value:

        { "bottom" },
        { "radius" },
        { "height" },
        { "side" },
        { "top" },

Definition at line 235 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfCylinderSensor[]

Initial value:

        { "diskAngle" },
        { "maxAngle" },
        { "minAngle" },
        { "offset" },
        { "rotation_changed" },

Definition at line 457 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfDirectionalLight[]

Initial value:

        { "direction" },

Definition at line 340 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfDragSensorNode[]

Initial value:

        { "autoOffset" },
        { "trackPoint_changed" },

Definition at line 437 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfElevationGrid[]

Initial value:

        { "creaseAngle" },
        { "height" },
        { "set_height" },
        { "xDimension" },
        { "xSpacing" },
        { "zDimension" },
        { "zSpacing" },

Definition at line 293 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfFog[]

Initial value:

        { "color" },
        { "fogType" },
        { "visibilityRange" },

Definition at line 201 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfFontStyle[]

Initial value:

        { "family" },
        { "horizontal" },
        { "justify" },
        { "language" },
        { "leftToRight" },
        { "size" },
        { "spacing" },
        { "style" },
        { "topToBottom" },

Definition at line 310 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfGroupingNode[]

Initial value:

        { "addChildren" },
        { "removeChildren" },
        { "children" },

Definition at line 111 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfIndexedFaceSet[]

Initial value:

        { "convex" },
        { "colorIndex" },
        { "set_colorIndex" },
        { "coordIndex" },
        { "set_coordIndex" },
        { "creaseAngle" },
        { "normalIndex" },
        { "set_normalIndex" },
        { "texCoordIndex" },
        { "set_texCoordIndex" },

Definition at line 279 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfIndexedLineSet[]

Initial value:

        { "color" },
        { "coord" },
        { "colorIndex" },
        { "set_colorIndex" },
        { "colorPerVertex" },
        { "coordIndex" },
        { "set_coordIndex" },
        { "lineWidth" },

Definition at line 244 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfInline[]

Initial value:

        { "load" },

Definition at line 100 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfInterpolatorNode[]

Initial value:

        { "set_fraction" },
        { "key" },

Definition at line 362 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfLightNode[]

Initial value:

        { "ambientIntensity" },
        { "color" },
        { "intensity" },
        { "on" },

Definition at line 332 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfMaterial[]

Initial value:

        { "ambientIntensity" },
        { "diffuseColor" },
        { "emissiveColor" },
        { "shininess" },
        { "specularColor" },
        { "transparency" },
        { "refractiveIndex" },

Definition at line 176 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfMetadataDouble[]

Initial value:

        { "value" },

Definition at line 50 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfMetadataFloat[]

Initial value:

        { "value" },

Definition at line 55 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfMetadataInteger[]

Initial value:

        { "value" },

Definition at line 60 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfMetadataObject[]

Initial value:

        { "name" },
        { "reference" },

Definition at line 33 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfMetadataSet[]

Initial value:

        { "value" },

Definition at line 65 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfMetadataString[]

Initial value:

        { "value" },

Definition at line 70 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfNode[]

Initial value:

        { "metadata" },

Definition at line 39 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfNormal[]

Initial value:

        { "vector" },

Definition at line 147 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfNormalInterpolator[]

Initial value:

        { "keyValue" },
        { "value_changed" },

Definition at line 386 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfOrientationInterpolator[]

Initial value:

        { "keyValue" },
        { "value_changed" },

Definition at line 392 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfPixelTexture[]

Initial value:

        { "image" },

Definition at line 171 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfPlaneSensor[]

Initial value:

        { "maxPosition" },
        { "minPosition" },
        { "offset" },
        { "translation_changed" },

Definition at line 443 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfPointingDeviceSensorNode[]

Initial value:

        { "description" },
        { "isOver" },

Definition at line 431 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfPointLight[]

Initial value:

        { "attenuation" },
        { "location" },
        { "radius" },

Definition at line 345 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfPointSet[]

Initial value:

        { "color" },
        { "coord" },

Definition at line 256 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfPositionInterpolator[]

Initial value:

        { "keyValue" },
        { "value_changed" },

Definition at line 398 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfPositionInterpolator2D[]

Initial value:

        { "keyValue" },
        { "value_changed" },

Definition at line 404 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfScalarInterpolator[]

Initial value:

        { "keyValue" },
        { "value_changed" },

Definition at line 410 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfScript[]

Initial value:

        { "directOutput" },
        { "mustEvaluate" },

Definition at line 478 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfSensorNode[]

Initial value:

        { "enabled" },
        { "isActive" },

Definition at line 44 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfShape[]

Initial value:

        { "appearance" },
        { "geometry" },

Definition at line 304 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfSphere[]

Initial value:

        { "radius" },

Definition at line 262 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfSphereSensor[]

Initial value:

        { "offset" },
        { "rotation_changed" },

Definition at line 451 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfSpotLight[]

Initial value:

        { "attenuation" },
        { "beamWidth" },
        { "cutOffAngle" },
        { "direction" },
        { "location" },
        { "radius" },

Definition at line 352 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfSwitch[]

Initial value:

        { "whichChoice" },

Definition at line 118 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfText[]

Initial value:

        { "string" },
        { "fontStyle" },
        { "length" },
        { "maxExtent" },
        { "solid" },

Definition at line 323 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfTexture2DNode[]

Initial value:

        { "repeatS" },
        { "repeatT" },

Definition at line 165 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfTextureCoordinate[]

Initial value:

        { "point" },

Definition at line 152 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfTextureTransform[]

Initial value:

        { "center" },
        { "rotation" },
        { "scale" },
        { "translation" },

Definition at line 157 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfTimeDependentNode[]

Initial value:

        { "isPaused" },
        { "elapsedTime" },
        { "loop" },
        { "numLoops" },
        { "startTime" },
        { "stopTime" },
        { "pauseTime" },
        { "resumeTime" },

Definition at line 75 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfTimeSensor[]

Initial value:

        { "cycleInterval" },
        { "cycleTime" },
        { "fraction_changed" },
        { "time" },

Definition at line 87 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfTorus[]

Initial value:

        { "majorRadius" },
        { "minorRadius" },

Definition at line 484 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfTouchSensor[]

Initial value:

        { "hitNormal_changed" },
        { "hitPoint_changed" },
        { "hitTexCoord_changed" },

Definition at line 471 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfTouchSensorNode[]

Initial value:

        { "touchTime" },

Definition at line 466 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfTransform[]

Initial value:

        { "center" },
        { "rotation" },
        { "scale" },
        { "scaleOrientation" },
        { "translation" },

Definition at line 123 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfUrlObject[]

Initial value:

        { "url" },

Definition at line 95 of file type.autogen.C.

const FieldDef Archon::X3D::Proxy::fieldsOfViewpoint[]

Initial value:

        { "jump" },
        { "position" },
        { "orientation" },
        { "fieldOfView" },
        { "centerOfRotation" },
        { "description" },

Definition at line 421 of file type.autogen.C.

Generated on Sun Jul 30 23:01:29 2006 for Archon by  doxygen 1.4.4