
00001 /*
00002  * This file is part of the "Archon" framework.
00003  * (
00004  *
00005  * Copyright © 2002 by Kristian Spangsege and Brian Kristiansen.
00006  *
00007  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
00008  * its documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is
00009  * hereby granted. No representations are made about the suitability of
00010  * this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
00011  * or implied warranty. See the GNU General Public License
00012  * ( for more details.
00013  *
00014  * The characters in this file are ISO8859-1 encoded.
00015  *
00016  * The documentation in this file is in "Doxygen" style
00017  * (
00018  */
00023 #include <archon/math/vector.H>
00025 namespace Archon
00026 {
00027   namespace Utilities
00028   {
00029     using namespace Math;
00031     namespace Color
00032     {
00049       Vector3 convertRGBtoHSV(Vector3);
00067       Vector3 convertHSVtoRGB(Vector3);
00100       Vector3 interp(double x, double x1, double x2, Vector3 c1, Vector3 c2);
00102       extern const Vector3 aliceblue;
00103       extern const Vector3 antiquewhite;
00104       extern const Vector3 aqua;
00105       extern const Vector3 aquamarine;
00106       extern const Vector3 azure;
00107       extern const Vector3 beige;
00108       extern const Vector3 bisque;
00109       extern const Vector3 black;
00110       extern const Vector3 blanchedalmond;
00111       extern const Vector3 blue;
00112       extern const Vector3 blueviolet;
00113       extern const Vector3 brown;
00114       extern const Vector3 burlywood;
00115       extern const Vector3 cadetblue;
00116       extern const Vector3 chartreuse;
00117       extern const Vector3 chocolate;
00118       extern const Vector3 coral;
00119       extern const Vector3 cornflowerblue;
00120       extern const Vector3 cornsilk;
00121       extern const Vector3 crimson;
00122       extern const Vector3 cyan;
00123       extern const Vector3 darkblue;
00124       extern const Vector3 darkcyan;
00125       extern const Vector3 darkgoldenrod;
00126       extern const Vector3 darkgray;
00127       extern const Vector3 darkgreen;
00128       extern const Vector3 darkkhaki;
00129       extern const Vector3 darkmagenta;
00130       extern const Vector3 darkolivegreen;
00131       extern const Vector3 darkorange;
00132       extern const Vector3 darkorchid;
00133       extern const Vector3 darkred;
00134       extern const Vector3 darksalmon;
00135       extern const Vector3 darkseagreen;
00136       extern const Vector3 darkslateblue;
00137       extern const Vector3 darkslategray;
00138       extern const Vector3 darkturquoise;
00139       extern const Vector3 darkviolet;
00140       extern const Vector3 deeppink;
00141       extern const Vector3 deepskyblue;
00142       extern const Vector3 dimgray;
00143       extern const Vector3 dodgerblue;
00144       extern const Vector3 firebrick;
00145       extern const Vector3 floralwhite;
00146       extern const Vector3 forestgreen;
00147       extern const Vector3 fuchsia;
00148       extern const Vector3 gainsboro;
00149       extern const Vector3 ghostwhite;
00150       extern const Vector3 gold;
00151       extern const Vector3 goldenrod;
00152       extern const Vector3 gray;
00153       extern const Vector3 green;
00154       extern const Vector3 greenyellow;
00155       extern const Vector3 honeydew;
00156       extern const Vector3 hotpink;
00157       extern const Vector3 indianred;
00158       extern const Vector3 indigo;
00159       extern const Vector3 ivory;
00160       extern const Vector3 khaki;
00161       extern const Vector3 lavender;
00162       extern const Vector3 lavenderblush;
00163       extern const Vector3 lawngreen;
00164       extern const Vector3 lemonchiffon;
00165       extern const Vector3 lightblue;
00166       extern const Vector3 lightcoral;
00167       extern const Vector3 lightcyan;
00168       extern const Vector3 lightgoldenrodyellow;
00169       extern const Vector3 lightgreen;
00170       extern const Vector3 lightgrey;
00171       extern const Vector3 lightpink;
00172       extern const Vector3 lightsalmon;
00173       extern const Vector3 lightseagreen;
00174       extern const Vector3 lightskyblue;
00175       extern const Vector3 lightslategray;
00176       extern const Vector3 lightsteelblue;
00177       extern const Vector3 lightyellow;
00178       extern const Vector3 lime;
00179       extern const Vector3 limegreen;
00180       extern const Vector3 linen;
00181       extern const Vector3 magenta;
00182       extern const Vector3 maroon;
00183       extern const Vector3 mediumaquamarine;
00184       extern const Vector3 mediumblue;
00185       extern const Vector3 mediumorchid;
00186       extern const Vector3 mediumpurple;
00187       extern const Vector3 mediumseagreen;
00188       extern const Vector3 mediumslateblue;
00189       extern const Vector3 mediumspringgreen;
00190       extern const Vector3 mediumturquoise;
00191       extern const Vector3 mediumvioletred;
00192       extern const Vector3 midnightblue;
00193       extern const Vector3 mintcream;
00194       extern const Vector3 mistyrose;
00195       extern const Vector3 moccasin;
00196       extern const Vector3 navajowhite;
00197       extern const Vector3 navy;
00198       extern const Vector3 oldlace;
00199       extern const Vector3 olive;
00200       extern const Vector3 olivedrab;
00201       extern const Vector3 orange;
00202       extern const Vector3 orangered;
00203       extern const Vector3 orchid;
00204       extern const Vector3 palegoldenrod;
00205       extern const Vector3 palegreen;
00206       extern const Vector3 paleturquoise;
00207       extern const Vector3 palevioletred;
00208       extern const Vector3 papayawhip;
00209       extern const Vector3 peachpuff;
00210       extern const Vector3 peru;
00211       extern const Vector3 pink;
00212       extern const Vector3 plum;
00213       extern const Vector3 powderblue;
00214       extern const Vector3 purple;
00215       extern const Vector3 red;
00216       extern const Vector3 rosybrown;
00217       extern const Vector3 royalblue;
00218       extern const Vector3 saddlebrown;
00219       extern const Vector3 salmon;
00220       extern const Vector3 sandybrown;
00221       extern const Vector3 seagreen;
00222       extern const Vector3 seashell;
00223       extern const Vector3 sienna;
00224       extern const Vector3 silver;
00225       extern const Vector3 skyblue;
00226       extern const Vector3 slateblue;
00227       extern const Vector3 slategray;
00228       extern const Vector3 snow;
00229       extern const Vector3 springgreen;
00230       extern const Vector3 steelblue;
00231       extern const Vector3 tan;
00232       extern const Vector3 teal;
00233       extern const Vector3 thistle;
00234       extern const Vector3 tomato;
00235       extern const Vector3 turquoise;
00236       extern const Vector3 violet;
00237       extern const Vector3 wheat;
00238       extern const Vector3 white;
00239       extern const Vector3 whitesmoke;
00240       extern const Vector3 yellow;
00241       extern const Vector3 yellowgreen;
00242     }
00244     struct ColorRGBA: Vector4
00245     {
00246       ColorRGBA() {}
00247       ColorRGBA(Vector3 c, double a=1) { (*this)[0] = c[0]; (*this)[1] = c[1]; (*this)[2] = c[2]; (*this)[3] = a; }
00248     };
00249   }
00250 }

Generated on Sun Jul 30 22:55:44 2006 for Archon by  doxygen 1.4.4