Archon::Utilities::Color Namespace Reference


Vector3 convertRGBtoHSV (Vector3)
 Convert an RGB color triplet to the alternative color space HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value).
Vector3 convertHSVtoRGB (Vector3)
 Convert a triplet from the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space to RGB.
Vector3 interp (double x, double x1, double x2, Vector3 y1, Vector3 y2)
 Linear interpolation of RGB colors in the HSV space.


const Vector3 aliceblue (240/255.0, 248/255.0, 255/255.0)
const Vector3 antiquewhite (250/255.0, 235/255.0, 215/255.0)
const Vector3 aqua (0/255.0, 255/255.0, 255/255.0)
const Vector3 aquamarine (127/255.0, 255/255.0, 212/255.0)
const Vector3 azure (240/255.0, 255/255.0, 255/255.0)
const Vector3 beige (245/255.0, 245/255.0, 220/255.0)
const Vector3 bisque (255/255.0, 228/255.0, 196/255.0)
const Vector3 black (0/255.0, 0/255.0, 0/255.0)
const Vector3 blanchedalmond (255/255.0, 235/255.0, 205/255.0)
const Vector3 blue (0/255.0, 0/255.0, 255/255.0)
const Vector3 blueviolet (138/255.0, 43/255.0, 226/255.0)
const Vector3 brown (165/255.0, 42/255.0, 42/255.0)
const Vector3 burlywood (222/255.0, 184/255.0, 135/255.0)
const Vector3 cadetblue (95/255.0, 158/255.0, 160/255.0)
const Vector3 chartreuse (127/255.0, 255/255.0, 0/255.0)
const Vector3 chocolate (210/255.0, 105/255.0, 30/255.0)
const Vector3 coral (255/255.0, 127/255.0, 80/255.0)
const Vector3 cornflowerblue (100/255.0, 149/255.0, 237/255.0)
const Vector3 cornsilk (255/255.0, 248/255.0, 220/255.0)
const Vector3 crimson (220/255.0, 20/255.0, 54/255.0)
const Vector3 cyan (0/255.0, 255/255.0, 255/255.0)
const Vector3 darkblue (0/255.0, 0/255.0, 139/255.0)
const Vector3 darkcyan (0/255.0, 139/255.0, 139/255.0)
const Vector3 darkgoldenrod (184/255.0, 134/255.0, 11/255.0)
const Vector3 darkgray (169/255.0, 169/255.0, 169/255.0)
const Vector3 darkgreen (0/255.0, 100/255.0, 0/255.0)
const Vector3 darkkhaki (189/255.0, 183/255.0, 107/255.0)
const Vector3 darkmagenta (139/255.0, 0/255.0, 139/255.0)
const Vector3 darkolivegreen (85/255.0, 107/255.0, 47/255.0)
const Vector3 darkorange (255/255.0, 140/255.0, 0/255.0)
const Vector3 darkorchid (153/255.0, 50/255.0, 204/255.0)
const Vector3 darkred (139/255.0, 0/255.0, 0/255.0)
const Vector3 darksalmon (233/255.0, 150/255.0, 122/255.0)
const Vector3 darkseagreen (143/255.0, 188/255.0, 143/255.0)
const Vector3 darkslateblue (72/255.0, 61/255.0, 139/255.0)
const Vector3 darkslategray (47/255.0, 79/255.0, 79/255.0)
const Vector3 darkturquoise (0/255.0, 206/255.0, 209/255.0)
const Vector3 darkviolet (148/255.0, 0/255.0, 211/255.0)
const Vector3 deeppink (255/255.0, 20/255.0, 147/255.0)
const Vector3 deepskyblue (0/255.0, 191/255.0, 255/255.0)
const Vector3 dimgray (105/255.0, 105/255.0, 105/255.0)
const Vector3 dodgerblue (30/255.0, 144/255.0, 255/255.0)
const Vector3 firebrick (178/255.0, 34/255.0, 34/255.0)
const Vector3 floralwhite (255/255.0, 250/255.0, 240/255.0)
const Vector3 forestgreen (34/255.0, 139/255.0, 34/255.0)
const Vector3 fuchsia (255/255.0, 0/255.0, 255/255.0)
const Vector3 gainsboro (220/255.0, 220/255.0, 220/255.0)
const Vector3 ghostwhite (248/255.0, 248/255.0, 255/255.0)
const Vector3 gold (255/255.0, 215/255.0, 0/255.0)
const Vector3 goldenrod (218/255.0, 165/255.0, 32/255.0)
const Vector3 gray (128/255.0, 128/255.0, 128/255.0)
const Vector3 green (0/255.0, 128/255.0, 0/255.0)
const Vector3 greenyellow (173/255.0, 255/255.0, 47/255.0)
const Vector3 honeydew (240/255.0, 255/255.0, 240/255.0)
const Vector3 hotpink (255/255.0, 105/255.0, 180/255.0)
const Vector3 indianred (205/255.0, 92/255.0, 92/255.0)
const Vector3 indigo (75/255.0, 0/255.0, 130/255.0)
const Vector3 ivory (255/255.0, 255/255.0, 240/255.0)
const Vector3 khaki (240/255.0, 230/255.0, 140/255.0)
const Vector3 lavender (230/255.0, 230/255.0, 250/255.0)
const Vector3 lavenderblush (255/255.0, 240/255.0, 245/255.0)
const Vector3 lawngreen (124/255.0, 252/255.0, 0/255.0)
const Vector3 lemonchiffon (255/255.0, 250/255.0, 205/255.0)
const Vector3 lightblue (173/255.0, 216/255.0, 230/255.0)
const Vector3 lightcoral (240/255.0, 128/255.0, 128/255.0)
const Vector3 lightcyan (224/255.0, 255/255.0, 255/255.0)
const Vector3 lightgoldenrodyellow (250/255.0, 250/255.0, 210/255.0)
const Vector3 lightgreen (144/255.0, 238/255.0, 144/255.0)
const Vector3 lightgrey (211/255.0, 211/255.0, 211/255.0)
const Vector3 lightpink (255/255.0, 182/255.0, 193/255.0)
const Vector3 lightsalmon (255/255.0, 160/255.0, 122/255.0)
const Vector3 lightseagreen (32/255.0, 178/255.0, 170/255.0)
const Vector3 lightskyblue (135/255.0, 206/255.0, 250/255.0)
const Vector3 lightslategray (119/255.0, 136/255.0, 153/255.0)
const Vector3 lightsteelblue (176/255.0, 196/255.0, 222/255.0)
const Vector3 lightyellow (255/255.0, 255/255.0, 224/255.0)
const Vector3 lime (0/255.0, 255/255.0, 0/255.0)
const Vector3 limegreen (50/255.0, 205/255.0, 50/255.0)
const Vector3 linen (250/255.0, 240/255.0, 230/255.0)
const Vector3 magenta (255/255.0, 0/255.0, 255/255.0)
const Vector3 maroon (128/255.0, 0/255.0, 0/255.0)
const Vector3 mediumaquamarine (102/255.0, 205/255.0, 170/255.0)
const Vector3 mediumblue (0/255.0, 0/255.0, 205/255.0)
const Vector3 mediumorchid (186/255.0, 85/255.0, 211/255.0)
const Vector3 mediumpurple (147/255.0, 112/255.0, 219/255.0)
const Vector3 mediumseagreen (60/255.0, 179/255.0, 113/255.0)
const Vector3 mediumslateblue (123/255.0, 104/255.0, 238/255.0)
const Vector3 mediumspringgreen (0/255.0, 250/255.0, 154/255.0)
const Vector3 mediumturquoise (72/255.0, 209/255.0, 204/255.0)
const Vector3 mediumvioletred (199/255.0, 21/255.0, 133/255.0)
const Vector3 midnightblue (25/255.0, 25/255.0, 112/255.0)
const Vector3 mintcream (245/255.0, 255/255.0, 250/255.0)
const Vector3 mistyrose (255/255.0, 228/255.0, 225/255.0)
const Vector3 moccasin (255/255.0, 228/255.0, 181/255.0)
const Vector3 navajowhite (255/255.0, 222/255.0, 173/255.0)
const Vector3 navy (0/255.0, 0/255.0, 128/255.0)
const Vector3 oldlace (253/255.0, 245/255.0, 230/255.0)
const Vector3 olive (128/255.0, 128/255.0, 0/255.0)
const Vector3 olivedrab (107/255.0, 142/255.0, 35/255.0)
const Vector3 orange (255/255.0, 165/255.0, 0/255.0)
const Vector3 orangered (255/255.0, 69/255.0, 0/255.0)
const Vector3 orchid (218/255.0, 112/255.0, 214/255.0)
const Vector3 palegoldenrod (238/255.0, 232/255.0, 170/255.0)
const Vector3 palegreen (152/255.0, 251/255.0, 152/255.0)
const Vector3 paleturquoise (175/255.0, 238/255.0, 238/255.0)
const Vector3 palevioletred (219/255.0, 112/255.0, 147/255.0)
const Vector3 papayawhip (255/255.0, 239/255.0, 213/255.0)
const Vector3 peachpuff (255/255.0, 218/255.0, 185/255.0)
const Vector3 peru (205/255.0, 133/255.0, 63/255.0)
const Vector3 pink (255/255.0, 192/255.0, 203/255.0)
const Vector3 plum (221/255.0, 160/255.0, 221/255.0)
const Vector3 powderblue (176/255.0, 224/255.0, 230/255.0)
const Vector3 purple (128/255.0, 0/255.0, 128/255.0)
const Vector3 red (255/255.0, 0/255.0, 0/255.0)
const Vector3 rosybrown (188/255.0, 143/255.0, 143/255.0)
const Vector3 royalblue (65/255.0, 105/255.0, 225/255.0)
const Vector3 saddlebrown (139/255.0, 69/255.0, 19/255.0)
const Vector3 salmon (250/255.0, 128/255.0, 114/255.0)
const Vector3 sandybrown (244/255.0, 164/255.0, 96/255.0)
const Vector3 seagreen (46/255.0, 139/255.0, 87/255.0)
const Vector3 seashell (255/255.0, 245/255.0, 238/255.0)
const Vector3 sienna (160/255.0, 82/255.0, 45/255.0)
const Vector3 silver (192/255.0, 192/255.0, 192/255.0)
const Vector3 skyblue (135/255.0, 206/255.0, 235/255.0)
const Vector3 slateblue (106/255.0, 90/255.0, 205/255.0)
const Vector3 slategray (112/255.0, 128/255.0, 144/255.0)
const Vector3 snow (255/255.0, 250/255.0, 250/255.0)
const Vector3 springgreen (0/255.0, 255/255.0, 127/255.0)
const Vector3 steelblue (70/255.0, 130/255.0, 180/255.0)
const Vector3 tan (210/255.0, 180/255.0, 140/255.0)
const Vector3 teal (0/255.0, 128/255.0, 128/255.0)
const Vector3 thistle (216/255.0, 191/255.0, 216/255.0)
const Vector3 tomato (255/255.0, 99/255.0, 71/255.0)
const Vector3 turquoise (64/255.0, 224/255.0, 208/255.0)
const Vector3 violet (238/255.0, 130/255.0, 238/255.0)
const Vector3 wheat (245/255.0, 222/255.0, 179/255.0)
const Vector3 white (255/255.0, 255/255.0, 255/255.0)
const Vector3 whitesmoke (245/255.0, 245/255.0, 245/255.0)
const Vector3 yellow (255/255.0, 255/255.0, 0/255.0)
const Vector3 yellowgreen (154/255.0, 205/255.0, 50/255.0)

Function Documentation

Vector3 Archon::Utilities::Color::convertHSVtoRGB Vector3   ) 

Convert a triplet from the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space to RGB.

Note that it is not required that the value of the HSV triplet is less than or equal to 1, but it must not be negative.

An HSV triplet with saturation in the interval [0,1] and non-negative value. Any hue is accepted and shifted down to the canonical interval [0,360).
An RGB triplet with non-negative components. The components will be less than or equal to 1 if the value of the HSV triplet is less than or equal to one 1.
Computer Graphics - Foley, vanDam, Feiner, Hughes (1990)

Definition at line 45 of file color.C.

Referenced by interp().

Vector3 Archon::Utilities::Color::convertRGBtoHSV Vector3   ) 

Convert an RGB color triplet to the alternative color space HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value).

Note that it is not required that the components of the RGB triplet are less than or equal to 1, but they may not be negative.

An RGB triplet with non-negative components.
Hue in [0,360), saturation in [0, 1] and positive value. When the saturation is 0 the hue is arbitrary/undefined (achromatici case). Value will be less than or equal to 1 if each of the components of the RGB triplet is less than or equal to one 1.
Computer Graphics - Foley, vanDam, Feiner, Hughes (1990)

Definition at line 32 of file color.C.

References Archon::Math::BasicVector< T, N >::max(), and Archon::Math::BasicVector< T, N >::min().

Referenced by interp().

Vector3 Archon::Utilities::Color::interp double  x,
double  x1,
double  x2,
Vector3  c1,
Vector3  c2

Linear interpolation of RGB colors in the HSV space.

Three matters will need further clairification:

Because the HSV space is cylindrical (or you could say, because the hue component is an angle, and angles are cyclic) there are generally two paths that takes us from the first point to the second. Clockwise and counter clockwise around the value axis. Unless the two colors are complementary to each other, one of the paths will be shortest, and this function chooses that one. If the two colors are complementary to each other it is undefined which one will be chosen.

If one of the colors (not both) have an abritrary/undefined hue component (when the saturation component is zero / the achromatic case), then the interpolation will use the hue component from the other color for every interpolated color. This is sensible since any other hue will look artificial.

If one of the colors (not both) have an abritrary/undefined saturation component (when the value component is zero / black), then the interpolation will use the saturation component from the other color for every interpolated color. This is sensible since any other saturation will look artificial.

See also:

Definition at line 70 of file color.C.

References convertHSVtoRGB(), convertRGBtoHSV(), and Archon::Math::linInterp().

Generated on Sun Jul 30 22:58:05 2006 for Archon by  doxygen 1.4.4