
00001 /*
00002  * This file is part of the "Archon" framework.
00003  * (
00004  *
00005  * Copyright © 2002 by Kristian Spangsege and Brian Kristiansen.
00006  *
00007  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
00008  * its documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is
00009  * hereby granted. No representations are made about the suitability of
00010  * this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
00011  * or implied warranty. See the GNU General Public License
00012  * ( for more details.
00013  *
00014  * The characters in this file are ISO8859-1 encoded.
00015  *
00016  * The documentation in this file is in "Doxygen" style
00017  * (
00018  */
00020 #include <archon/x3d/sai/value.H>
00022 namespace Archon
00023 {
00024   namespace X3D
00025   {
00026     namespace SAI
00027     {
00028       template<typename T> struct CorbaVal {};
00030       template<> struct CorbaVal<bool>
00031       {
00032         typedef CORBA::Boolean Type;
00033         typedef x3d::sai::booleanarray Array;
00034         typedef x3d::sai::booleanarray_var ArrayVar;
00035         static bool imp(Porter *, Type v) { return bool(v); }
00036         static Type exp(Porter *, bool v) { return Type(v); }
00037         static bool fromAny(const CORBA::Any &a, Type &v)
00038         { return a >>= CORBA::Any::to_boolean(v); }
00039         static void toAny(CORBA::Any &a, Type v)
00040         { a <<= CORBA::Any::from_boolean(v); }
00041       };
00043       template<> struct CorbaVal<int>
00044       {
00045         typedef CORBA::Long Type;
00046         typedef x3d::sai::longarray Array;
00047         typedef x3d::sai::longarray_var ArrayVar;
00048         typedef x3d::sai::longdoublearray DoubleArray;
00049         typedef x3d::sai::longdoublearray_var DoubleArrayVar;
00050         static int imp(Porter *, Type v) { return int(v); }
00051         static Type exp(Porter *, int v) { return Type(v); }
00052         static bool fromAny(const CORBA::Any &a, Type &v) { return a >>= v; }
00053         static void toAny(CORBA::Any &a, Type v) { a <<= v; }
00054       };
00056       template<> struct CorbaVal<long>
00057       {
00058         typedef CORBA::Long Type;
00059         typedef x3d::sai::longarray Array;
00060         typedef x3d::sai::longarray_var ArrayVar;
00061         typedef x3d::sai::longdoublearray DoubleArray;
00062         typedef x3d::sai::longdoublearray_var DoubleArrayVar;
00063         static long imp(Porter *, Type v) { return long(v); }
00064         static Type exp(Porter *, long v) { return Type(v); }
00065         static bool fromAny(const CORBA::Any &a, Type &v) { return a >>= v; }
00066         static void toAny(CORBA::Any &a, Type v) { a <<= v; }
00067       };
00069       template<> struct CorbaVal<float>
00070       {
00071         typedef CORBA::Float Type;
00072         typedef x3d::sai::floatarray Array;
00073         typedef x3d::sai::floatarray_var ArrayVar;
00074         typedef x3d::sai::floatdoublearray DoubleArray;
00075         typedef x3d::sai::floatdoublearray_var DoubleArrayVar;
00076         static float imp(Porter *, Type v) { return float(v); }
00077         static Type exp(Porter *, float v) { return Type(v); }
00078         static bool fromAny(const CORBA::Any &a, Type &v) { return a >>= v; }
00079         static void toAny(CORBA::Any &a, Type v) { a <<= v; }
00080       };
00082       template<> struct CorbaVal<double>
00083       {
00084         typedef CORBA::Double Type;
00085         typedef x3d::sai::doublearray Array;
00086         typedef x3d::sai::doublearray_var ArrayVar;
00087         typedef x3d::sai::doubledoublearray DoubleArray;
00088         typedef x3d::sai::doubledoublearray_var DoubleArrayVar;
00089         static double imp(Porter *, Type v) { return double(v); }
00090         static Type exp(Porter *, double v) { return Type(v); }
00091         static bool fromAny(const CORBA::Any &a, Type &v) { return a >>= v; }
00092         static void toAny(CORBA::Any &a, Type v) { a <<= v; }
00093       };
00095       template<> struct CorbaVal<string>
00096       {
00097         typedef const char *Type;
00098         typedef x3d::sai::stringarray Array;
00099         typedef x3d::sai::stringarray_var ArrayVar;
00100         static string imp(Porter *, Type v) { return string(v); }
00101         static Type exp(Porter *, string v)
00102         { return CORBA::string_dup(v.c_str()); }
00103         static bool fromAny(const CORBA::Any &a, Type &v) { return a >>= v; }
00104         static void toAny(CORBA::Any &a, Type v) { a <<= v; }
00105       };
00107       template<> struct CorbaVal<Ref<NodeBase> >
00108       {
00109         typedef CORBA::ULong Type;
00110         typedef x3d::sai::ulongarray Array;
00111         typedef x3d::sai::ulongarray_var ArrayVar;
00112         static Ref<NodeBase> imp(Porter *p, Type v)
00113         { return p->id2node(static_cast<unsigned long>(v)); }
00114         static Type exp(Porter *p, Ref<NodeBase> v)
00115         { return Type(p->node2id(v)); }
00116         static bool fromAny(const CORBA::Any &a, Type &v) { return a >>= v; }
00117         static void toAny(CORBA::Any &a, Type v) { a <<= v; }
00118       };
00123       template<typename F>
00124       Ref<ValueBase> Porter::imScalar(const x3d::sai::Value &v)
00125       {
00126         typedef typename F::Type T;
00127         typedef typename F::Value V;
00128         typedef CorbaVal<T> C;
00129         typename C::Type w;
00130         if(!C::fromAny(v.val, w)) ARCHON_THROW(TypeMismatchException);
00131         return new V(F::type, C::imp(this, w));
00132       }
00134       template<typename F>
00135       Ref<ValueBase> Porter::imTuple(const x3d::sai::Value &v)
00136       {
00137         typedef typename F::Type T;
00138         typedef typename F::Value V;
00139         typedef typename F::ElemType E;
00140         typedef CorbaVal<E> C;
00141         const typename C::Array *w;
00142         if(!(v.val >>= w)) ARCHON_THROW(TypeMismatchException);
00143         if(w->length() != F::size) ARCHON_THROW(TypeMismatchException);
00144         Ref<V> r = new V(F::type);
00145         T &u = r->value;
00146         for(unsigned i=0; i<F::size; ++i) u[i] = C::imp(this, (*w)[i]);
00147         return r;
00148       }
00150       template<typename F>
00151       Ref<ValueBase> Porter::imScalarSeq(const x3d::sai::Value &v)
00152       {
00153         typedef typename F::Type T;
00154         typedef typename F::Value V;
00155         typedef typename F::Single::Type E;
00156         typedef CorbaVal<E> C;
00157         const typename C::Array *w;
00158         if(!(v.val >>= w)) ARCHON_THROW(TypeMismatchException);
00159         Ref<V> r = new V(F::type);
00160         T &u = r->value;
00161         u.resize(w->length());
00162         for(unsigned i=0; i<w->length(); ++i) u[i] = C::imp(this, (*w)[i]);
00163         return r;
00164       }
00166       template<typename F>
00167       Ref<ValueBase> Porter::imTupleSeq(const x3d::sai::Value &v)
00168       {
00169         typedef typename F::Type T;
00170         typedef typename F::Value V;
00171         typedef typename F::Single S;
00172         typedef typename S::ElemType E;
00173         typedef CorbaVal<E> C;
00174         const typename C::DoubleArray *w;
00175         if(!(v.val >>= w)) ARCHON_THROW(TypeMismatchException);
00176         Ref<V> r = new V(F::type);
00177         r->value.resize(w->length());
00178         for(unsigned i=0; i<w->length(); ++i)
00179         {
00180           typename S::Type &u = r->value[i];
00181           const typename C::Array &t = (*w)[i];
00182           if(t.length() != S::size) ARCHON_THROW(TypeMismatchException);
00183           for(unsigned j=0; j<S::size; ++j) u[j] = C::imp(this, t[j]);
00184         }
00185         return r;
00186       }
00191       Ref<ValueBase> Porter::imSFImage(const x3d::sai::Value &v)
00192       {
00193         ARCHON_THROW1(InternalException, "imSFImage not yet implemented");
00194       }
00199       Ref<ValueBase> Porter::imMFImage(const x3d::sai::Value &v)
00200       {
00201         ARCHON_THROW1(InternalException, "imMFImage not yet implemented");
00202       }
00204       Ref<ValueBase> Porter::imSFRotation(const x3d::sai::Value &v)
00205       {
00206         typedef SFRotation F;
00207         typedef F::Type T;
00208         typedef F::Value V;
00209         typedef F::ElemType E;
00210         typedef CorbaVal<E> C;
00211         const C::Array *w;
00212         if(!(v.val >>= w)) ARCHON_THROW(TypeMismatchException);
00213         if(w->length() != F::size) ARCHON_THROW(TypeMismatchException);
00214         Ref<V> r = new V(F::type);
00215         T &u = r->value;
00216         u.axis[0] = C::imp(this, (*w)[0]);
00217         u.axis[1] = C::imp(this, (*w)[1]);
00218         u.axis[2] = C::imp(this, (*w)[2]);
00219         u.angle = C::imp(this, (*w)[3]);
00220         return r;
00221       }
00223       Ref<ValueBase> Porter::imMFRotation(const x3d::sai::Value &v)
00224       {
00225         typedef MFRotation F;
00226         typedef F::Type T;
00227         typedef F::Value V;
00228         typedef F::Single S;
00229         typedef S::ElemType E;
00230         typedef CorbaVal<E> C;
00231         const C::DoubleArray *w;
00232         if(!(v.val >>= w)) ARCHON_THROW(TypeMismatchException);
00233         Ref<V> r = new V(F::type);
00234         r->value.resize(w->length());
00235         for(unsigned i=0; i<w->length(); ++i)
00236         {
00237           S::Type &u = r->value[i];
00238           const C::Array &t = (*w)[i];
00239           if(t.length() != S::size) ARCHON_THROW(TypeMismatchException);
00240           u.axis[0] = C::imp(this, t[0]);
00241           u.axis[1] = C::imp(this, t[1]);
00242           u.axis[2] = C::imp(this, t[2]);
00243           u.angle = C::imp(this, t[3]);
00244         }
00245         return r;
00246       }
00248       Ref<ValueBase> Porter::imSFTime(const x3d::sai::Value &v)
00249       {
00250         typedef SFTime F;
00251         typedef F::Type T;
00252         typedef F::Value V;
00253         typedef F::ElemType E;
00254         typedef CorbaVal<E> C;
00255         const C::Array *w;
00256         if(!(v.val >>= w)) ARCHON_THROW(TypeMismatchException);
00257         if(w->length() != F::size) ARCHON_THROW(TypeMismatchException);
00258         Ref<V> r = new V(F::type);
00259         r->value.set(C::imp(this, (*w)[0]), C::imp(this, (*w)[1]));
00260         return r;
00261       }
00263       Ref<ValueBase> Porter::imMFTime(const x3d::sai::Value &v)
00264       {
00265         typedef MFTime F;
00266         typedef F::Type T;
00267         typedef F::Value V;
00268         typedef F::Single S;
00269         typedef S::ElemType E;
00270         typedef CorbaVal<E> C;
00271         const C::DoubleArray *w;
00272         if(!(v.val >>= w)) ARCHON_THROW(TypeMismatchException);
00273         Ref<V> r = new V(F::type);
00274         r->value.resize(w->length());
00275         for(unsigned i=0; i<w->length(); ++i)
00276         {
00277           const C::Array &t = (*w)[i];
00278           if(t.length() != S::size) ARCHON_THROW(TypeMismatchException);
00279           r->value[i].set(C::imp(this, t[0]), C::imp(this, t[1]));
00280         }
00281         return r;
00282       }
00286       template<typename F>
00287       void Porter::exScalar(const ValueBase *s, x3d::sai::Value &t)
00288       {
00289         typedef typename F::Type T;
00290         typedef typename F::Value V;
00291         typedef CorbaVal<T> C;
00292         const V *v = dynamic_cast<const V *>(s);
00293         if(!v) ARCHON_THROW1(InternalException, "Type mismatch");
00294         C::toAny(t.val, C::exp(this, v->value));
00295       }
00297       template<typename F>
00298       void Porter::exTuple(const ValueBase *s, x3d::sai::Value &t)
00299       {
00300         typedef typename F::Type T;
00301         typedef typename F::Value V;
00302         typedef typename F::ElemType E;
00303         typedef CorbaVal<E> C;
00304         const V *v = dynamic_cast<const V *>(s);
00305         if(!v) ARCHON_THROW1(InternalException, "Type mismatch");
00306         const T &u = v->value;
00307         typename C::ArrayVar w(new typename C::Array(F::size));
00308         w->length(F::size);
00309         for(unsigned i=0; i<F::size; ++i) w[i] = C::exp(this, u[i]);
00310         t.val <<= w._retn();
00311       }
00313       template<typename F>
00314       void Porter::exScalarSeq(const ValueBase *s, x3d::sai::Value &t)
00315       {
00316         typedef typename F::Type T;
00317         typedef typename F::Value V;
00318         typedef typename F::Single::Type E;
00319         typedef CorbaVal<E> C;
00320         const V *v = dynamic_cast<const V *>(s);
00321         if(!v) ARCHON_THROW1(InternalException, "Type mismatch");
00322         typename C::ArrayVar w(new typename C::Array(v->value.size()));
00323         w->length(v->value.size());
00324         for(unsigned i=0; i<v->value.size(); ++i)
00325           w[i] = C::exp(this, v->value[i]);
00326         t.val <<= w._retn();
00327       }
00329       template<typename F>
00330       void Porter::exTupleSeq(const ValueBase *s, x3d::sai::Value &t)
00331       {
00332         typedef typename F::Type T;
00333         typedef typename F::Value V;
00334         typedef typename F::Single S;
00335         typedef typename S::ElemType E;
00336         typedef CorbaVal<E> C;
00337         const V *v = dynamic_cast<const V *>(s);
00338         if(!v) ARCHON_THROW1(InternalException, "Type mismatch");
00339         typename C::DoubleArrayVar
00340           w(new typename C::DoubleArray(v->value.size()));
00341         w->length(v->value.size());
00342         for(unsigned i=0; i<v->value.size(); ++i)
00343         {
00344           typename C::Array &u = w[i];
00345           u.length(S::size);
00346           const typename S::Type &x = v->value[i];
00347           for(unsigned j=0; j<S::size; ++j) u[j] = C::exp(this, x[j]);
00348         }
00349         t.val <<= w._retn();
00350       }
00355       void Porter::exSFImage(const ValueBase *s, x3d::sai::Value &t)
00356       {
00357         ARCHON_THROW1(InternalException, "exSFImage not yet implemented");
00358       }
00363       void Porter::exMFImage(const ValueBase *s, x3d::sai::Value &t)
00364       {
00365         ARCHON_THROW1(InternalException, "exMFImage not yet implemented");
00366       }
00368       void Porter::exSFRotation(const ValueBase *s, x3d::sai::Value &t)
00369       {
00370         typedef SFRotation F;
00371         typedef F::Type T;
00372         typedef F::Value V;
00373         typedef F::ElemType E;
00374         typedef CorbaVal<E> C;
00375         const V *v = dynamic_cast<const V *>(s);
00376         if(!v) ARCHON_THROW1(InternalException, "Type mismatch");
00377         const T &u = v->value;
00378         C::ArrayVar w(new C::Array(F::size));
00379         w->length(F::size);
00380         w[0] = C::exp(this, u.axis[0]);
00381         w[1] = C::exp(this, u.axis[1]);
00382         w[2] = C::exp(this, u.axis[2]);
00383         w[3] = C::exp(this, u.angle);
00384         t.val <<= w._retn();
00385       }
00387       void Porter::exMFRotation(const ValueBase *s, x3d::sai::Value &t)
00388       {
00389         typedef MFRotation F;
00390         typedef F::Type T;
00391         typedef F::Value V;
00392         typedef F::Single S;
00393         typedef S::ElemType E;
00394         typedef CorbaVal<E> C;
00395         const V *v = dynamic_cast<const V *>(s);
00396         if(!v) ARCHON_THROW1(InternalException, "Type mismatch");
00397         C::DoubleArrayVar w(new C::DoubleArray(v->value.size()));
00398         w->length(v->value.size());
00399         for(unsigned i=0; i<v->value.size(); ++i)
00400         {
00401           C::Array &u = w[i];
00402           u.length(S::size);
00403           const S::Type &x = v->value[i];
00404           u[0] = C::exp(this, x.axis[0]);
00405           u[1] = C::exp(this, x.axis[1]);
00406           u[2] = C::exp(this, x.axis[2]);
00407           u[3] = C::exp(this, x.angle);
00408         }
00409         t.val <<= w._retn();
00410       }
00412       void Porter::exSFTime(const ValueBase *s, x3d::sai::Value &t)
00413       {
00414         typedef SFTime F;
00415         typedef F::Type T;
00416         typedef F::Value V;
00417         typedef F::ElemType E;
00418         typedef CorbaVal<E> C;
00419         const V *v = dynamic_cast<const V *>(s);
00420         if(!v) ARCHON_THROW1(InternalException, "Type mismatch");
00421         C::ArrayVar w(new C::Array(F::size));
00422         w->length(F::size);
00423         long sec;
00424         long nsec;
00425         v->value.get(sec, nsec);
00426         w[0] = C::exp(this, sec);
00427         w[1] = C::exp(this, nsec);
00428         t.val <<= w._retn();
00429       }
00431       void Porter::exMFTime(const ValueBase *s, x3d::sai::Value &t)
00432       {
00433         typedef MFTime F;
00434         typedef F::Type T;
00435         typedef F::Value V;
00436         typedef F::Single S;
00437         typedef S::ElemType E;
00438         typedef CorbaVal<E> C;
00439         const V *v = dynamic_cast<const V *>(s);
00440         if(!v) ARCHON_THROW1(InternalException, "Type mismatch");
00441         C::DoubleArrayVar w(new C::DoubleArray(v->value.size()));
00442         w->length(v->value.size());
00443         for(unsigned i=0; i<v->value.size(); ++i)
00444         {
00445           C::Array &u = w[i];
00446           u.length(S::size);
00447           long sec;
00448           long nsec;
00449           v->value[i].get(sec, nsec);
00450           u[0] = C::exp(this, sec);
00451           u[1] = C::exp(this, nsec);
00452         }
00453         t.val <<= w._retn();
00454       }
00456       Porter::Porter()
00457       {
00458         importers.resize(fieldTypeIndexRoof);
00459         exporters.resize(fieldTypeIndexRoof);
00461         exporters[SFBool::index] = &Porter::exScalar<SFBool>;
00462         importers[SFBool::index] = &Porter::imScalar<SFBool>;
00463         exporters[MFBool::index] = &Porter::exScalarSeq<MFBool>;
00464         importers[MFBool::index] = &Porter::imScalarSeq<MFBool>;
00466         exporters[SFColor::index] = &Porter::exTuple<SFColor>;
00467         importers[SFColor::index] = &Porter::imTuple<SFColor>;
00468         exporters[MFColor::index] = &Porter::exTupleSeq<MFColor>;
00469         importers[MFColor::index] = &Porter::imTupleSeq<MFColor>;
00471         exporters[SFColorRGBA::index] = &Porter::exTuple<SFColorRGBA>;
00472         importers[SFColorRGBA::index] = &Porter::imTuple<SFColorRGBA>;
00473         exporters[MFColorRGBA::index] = &Porter::exTupleSeq<MFColorRGBA>;
00474         importers[MFColorRGBA::index] = &Porter::imTupleSeq<MFColorRGBA>;
00476         exporters[SFDouble::index] = &Porter::exScalar<SFDouble>;
00477         importers[SFDouble::index] = &Porter::imScalar<SFDouble>;
00478         exporters[MFDouble::index] = &Porter::exScalarSeq<MFDouble>;
00479         importers[MFDouble::index] = &Porter::imScalarSeq<MFDouble>;
00481         exporters[SFFloat::index] = &Porter::exScalar<SFFloat>;
00482         importers[SFFloat::index] = &Porter::imScalar<SFFloat>;
00483         exporters[MFFloat::index] = &Porter::exScalarSeq<MFFloat>;
00484         importers[MFFloat::index] = &Porter::imScalarSeq<MFFloat>;
00486         exporters[SFImage::index] = &Porter::exSFImage;
00487         importers[SFImage::index] = &Porter::imSFImage;
00488         exporters[MFImage::index] = &Porter::exMFImage;
00489         importers[MFImage::index] = &Porter::imMFImage;
00491         exporters[SFInt32::index] = &Porter::exScalar<SFInt32>;
00492         importers[SFInt32::index] = &Porter::imScalar<SFInt32>;
00493         exporters[MFInt32::index] = &Porter::exScalarSeq<MFInt32>;
00494         importers[MFInt32::index] = &Porter::imScalarSeq<MFInt32>;
00496         exporters[SFNode::index] = &Porter::exScalar<SFNodeVar<NodeBase> >;
00497         importers[SFNode::index] = &Porter::imScalar<SFNodeVar<NodeBase> >;
00498         exporters[MFNode::index] = &Porter::exScalarSeq<MFNodeVar<NodeBase> >;
00499         importers[MFNode::index] = &Porter::imScalarSeq<MFNodeVar<NodeBase> >;
00501         exporters[SFRotation::index] = &Porter::exSFRotation;
00502         importers[SFRotation::index] = &Porter::imSFRotation;
00503         exporters[MFRotation::index] = &Porter::exMFRotation;
00504         importers[MFRotation::index] = &Porter::imMFRotation;
00506         exporters[SFString::index] = &Porter::exScalar<SFString>;
00507         importers[SFString::index] = &Porter::imScalar<SFString>;
00508         exporters[MFString::index] = &Porter::exScalarSeq<MFString>;
00509         importers[MFString::index] = &Porter::imScalarSeq<MFString>;
00511         exporters[SFTime::index] = &Porter::exSFTime;
00512         importers[SFTime::index] = &Porter::imSFTime;
00513         exporters[MFTime::index] = &Porter::exMFTime;
00514         importers[MFTime::index] = &Porter::imMFTime;
00516         exporters[SFVec2d::index] = &Porter::exTuple<SFVec2d>;
00517         importers[SFVec2d::index] = &Porter::imTuple<SFVec2d>;
00518         exporters[MFVec2d::index] = &Porter::exTupleSeq<MFVec2d>;
00519         importers[MFVec2d::index] = &Porter::imTupleSeq<MFVec2d>;
00521         exporters[SFVec2f::index] = &Porter::exTuple<SFVec2f>;
00522         importers[SFVec2f::index] = &Porter::imTuple<SFVec2f>;
00523         exporters[MFVec2f::index] = &Porter::exTupleSeq<MFVec2f>;
00524         importers[MFVec2f::index] = &Porter::imTupleSeq<MFVec2f>;
00526         exporters[SFVec3d::index] = &Porter::exTuple<SFVec3d>;
00527         importers[SFVec3d::index] = &Porter::imTuple<SFVec3d>;
00528         exporters[MFVec3d::index] = &Porter::exTupleSeq<MFVec3d>;
00529         importers[MFVec3d::index] = &Porter::imTupleSeq<MFVec3d>;
00531         exporters[SFVec3f::index] = &Porter::exTuple<SFVec3f>;
00532         importers[SFVec3f::index] = &Porter::imTuple<SFVec3f>;
00533         exporters[MFVec3f::index] = &Porter::exTupleSeq<MFVec3f>;
00534         importers[MFVec3f::index] = &Porter::imTupleSeq<MFVec3f>;
00535       }
00536     }
00537   }
00538 }

Generated on Sun Jul 30 22:55:48 2006 for Archon by  doxygen 1.4.4