Classes | |
struct | MaterialNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Material |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | AppearanceNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Appearance |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | BindableNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Background |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Fog |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Torus |
A torus goemetry node. More... | |
struct | FrameDrivenNode |
struct | AbstractFileServer |
struct | ExecutionContext |
struct | MetadataObject |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Node |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | ChildNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | SensorNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | MetadataDouble |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | MetadataFloat |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | MetadataInteger |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | MetadataSet |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | MetadataString |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | CustomFieldBase |
struct | CustomFieldNode |
The base of all nodes that can contain custom fields. More... | |
struct | SimpleCustomField |
struct | SimpleSeqCustomField |
struct | NodeCustomField |
struct | NodeSequenceCustomField |
struct | RouteTail |
Base class for tail of any route. More... | |
struct | RouteHead |
Base class for head of standard routes. More... | |
struct | Route |
struct | ValueBase |
struct | SimpleValueBase |
struct | SimpleValue |
struct | NodeValue |
struct | NodeSequenceValue |
struct | Event |
struct | EventSource |
struct | VrmlExporter |
struct | SceneExpoter |
Abstract scene exporter. More... | |
struct | StaticField |
struct | SimpleField |
struct | SimpleSequenceField |
struct | NodeField |
struct | NodeSequenceField |
struct | SFBool |
struct | MFBool |
struct | SFColor |
struct | MFColor |
struct | SFColorRGBA |
struct | MFColorRGBA |
struct | SFDouble |
struct | MFDouble |
struct | SFFloat |
struct | MFFloat |
struct | SFImage |
struct | MFImage |
struct | SFInt32 |
struct | MFInt32 |
struct | SFNode |
struct | MFNode |
struct | SFNodeVar |
struct | MFNodeVar |
struct | SFRotation |
struct | MFRotation |
struct | SFString |
struct | MFString |
struct | SFTime |
struct | MFTime |
struct | SFVec2d |
struct | MFVec2d |
struct | SFVec2f |
struct | MFVec2f |
struct | SFVec3d |
struct | MFVec3d |
struct | SFVec3f |
struct | MFVec3f |
struct | FontServer |
This class is responsible for locating font files and rendering them into OpenGL textures. More... | |
struct | RenderConfig |
struct | GeometryNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Geometry3DNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Box |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Cone |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Cylinder |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | IndexedLineSet |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | PointSet |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Sphere |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | ComposedGeometryNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | ElevationGrid |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | IndexedFaceSet |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | ShapeNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Shape |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | GeometricPropertyNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | ColorNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | CoordinateNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | NormalNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Color |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | ColorRGBA |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Coordinate |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Normal |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | BoundedObject |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | GroupingNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Group |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Switch |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Transform |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | InterpolatorNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | ColorInterpolator |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | CoordinateInterpolator |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | CoordinateInterpolator2D |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | NormalInterpolator |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | OrientationInterpolator |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | PositionInterpolator |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | PositionInterpolator2D |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | ScalarInterpolator |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | LightNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | DirectionalLight |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | PointLight |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | SpotLight |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | ImageLoadTracker |
struct | Loader |
Manage URI content loading in an asynchronious manner. More... | |
struct | PointingDeviceSensorNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | DragSensorNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | PlaneSensor |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | SphereSensor |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | CylinderSensor |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | TouchSensorNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | TouchSensor |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Billboard |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Viewpoint |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | UrlObject |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | SubSceneNode |
Base class for nodes which can contain sub-scenes. More... | |
struct | Inline |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | ApplicationLink |
The "glue" that links 3-D Console applications into the scene graph. More... | |
struct | NodeNameInUseException |
struct | NodeBase |
The common virtual base for all abstract and concrete X3D nodes. More... | |
struct | ProgressTracker |
struct | Parser |
struct | SceneBase |
struct | Scene |
struct | SerializedScene |
struct | ScriptNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Script |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Server |
struct | FontStyleNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | FontStyle |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | TextNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Text |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | TextureCoordinateNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | TextureCoordinate |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | AppearanceChildNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | TextureTransformNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | TextureTransform |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | TextureNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | Texture2DNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | ImageTexture |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | PixelTexture |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | TimeDependentNode |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | TimeSensor |
Server side representation of the equally named X3D node type. More... | |
struct | FieldType |
Runtime representation of an X3D field type. More... | |
struct | FieldBase |
Virtual base class for all field definitions. More... | |
struct | SequenceFieldBase |
Base class for all kinds of fields which are dynamic length sequences. More... | |
struct | NodeFieldBase |
Base class for all kinds of fields of type SFNode or MFNode. More... | |
struct | NodeSequenceFieldBase |
Base class for all kinds of fields of type MFNode. More... | |
struct | NodeType |
Runtime representation of an X3D node type. More... | |
struct | TexUsage |
struct | Viewer |
Namespaces | |
namespace | ECMA |
namespace | Proxy |
Holds an implementation of the C++ language bindings of the Scene Access Interface (SAI) to applications written in C++. | |
namespace | SAI |
Holds the implementation of the SAI (Scene Access Interface). | |
namespace | VRML |
Holds the parser that understands the VRML encoding of X3D scene files. | |
namespace | XML |
Holds the parser that understands the XML encoding of X3D scene files. | |
Functions | |
void | initializeAppearComponent () |
void | initializeAuxComponent () |
void | renderNormals (const vector< Vector3 > &, const RenderConfig *) |
void | initializeCoreComponent () |
template<typename T> | |
string | dumpValue (const vector< T > &v) |
string | dumpValue (string v) |
string | dumpValue (bool v) |
string | dumpValue (int v) |
string | dumpValue (double v) |
string | dumpValue (Vector2 v) |
string | dumpValue (Vector3 v) |
string | dumpValue (Vector4 v) |
string | dumpValue (Rotation3 v) |
string | dumpValue (const Image &v) |
string | dumpValue (const Time &v) |
bool | exceptionCatchInfo (Utilities::Exception::Formatter format, string &result) |
void | stepIn () |
void | stepOut () |
void | noNode () |
void | resuseNode (NodeBase *n, string name) |
void | nodeBegin (NodeBase *n, string name, bool empty) |
void | nodeEnd (NodeBase *n) |
void | simpleFieldBegin (NodeBase *n, const FieldBase *f) |
void | simpleFieldEnd () |
void | emptySimpleSequence () |
void | simpleSequenceBegin () |
void | simpleSequenceEnd () |
void | nodeFieldBegin (NodeBase *n, const FieldBase *f) |
void | nodeFieldEnd () |
void | emptyNodeSequence () |
void | nodeSequenceBegin () |
template<class N, typename T> | |
const SimpleField< N, T > * | newPrivateField (string n, const FieldType *t, T N::*v) |
template<class N, typename T> | |
const SimpleField< N, T > * | newEventIn (string n, const FieldType *t, T N::*v, Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename T> | |
const SimpleField< N, T > * | newEventIn (string n, const FieldType *t, bool(N::*f)(const T &, const Time &), Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename T> | |
const SimpleField< N, T > * | newExposedField (string n, const FieldType *t, T N::*v, EventSource N::*s, Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename T> | |
const SimpleField< N, T > * | newExposedField (string n, const FieldType *t, T N::*v, bool(N::*f)(const T &, const Time &), EventSource N::*s, Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename T> | |
const SimpleField< N, T > * | newEventOut (string n, const FieldType *t, T N::*v, EventSource N::*s) |
template<class N, typename T> | |
const SimpleSequenceField< N, T > * | newPrivateField (string n, const FieldType *t, vector< T > N::*v) |
template<class N, typename T> | |
const SimpleSequenceField< N, T > * | newEventIn (string n, const FieldType *t, vector< T > N::*v, Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename T> | |
const SimpleSequenceField< N, T > * | newEventIn (string n, const FieldType *t, bool(N::*f)(const vector< T > &, const Time &), Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename T> | |
const SimpleSequenceField< N, T > * | newExposedField (string n, const FieldType *t, vector< T > N::*v, EventSource N::*s, Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename T> | |
const SimpleSequenceField< N, T > * | newExposedField (string n, const FieldType *t, vector< T > N::*v, bool(N::*f)(const vector< T > &, const Time &), EventSource N::*s, Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename T> | |
const SimpleSequenceField< N, T > * | newEventOut (string n, const FieldType *t, vector< T > N::*v, EventSource N::*s) |
template<class N, typename C> | |
const NodeField< N, C > * | newPrivateField (string n, Ref< C > N::*v) |
template<class N, typename C> | |
const NodeField< N, C > * | newEventIn (string n, Ref< C > N::*v, Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename C> | |
const NodeField< N, C > * | newEventIn (string n, bool(N::*f)(const Ref< C > &, const Time &), Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename C> | |
const NodeField< N, C > * | newExposedField (string n, Ref< C > N::*v, EventSource N::*s, Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename C> | |
const NodeField< N, C > * | newExposedField (string n, Ref< C > N::*v, bool(N::*f)(const Ref< C > &, const Time &), EventSource N::*s, Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename C> | |
const NodeField< N, C > * | newEventOut (string n, Ref< C > N::*v, EventSource N::*s) |
template<class N, typename C> | |
const NodeSequenceField< N, C > * | newPrivateField (string n, vector< Ref< C > > N::*v) |
template<class N, typename C> | |
const NodeSequenceField< N, C > * | newEventIn (string n, vector< Ref< C > > N::*v, Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename C> | |
const NodeSequenceField< N, C > * | newEventIn (string n, bool(N::*f)(const vector< Ref< C > > &, const Time &), Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename C> | |
const NodeSequenceField< N, C > * | newExposedField (string n, vector< Ref< C > > N::*v, EventSource N::*s, Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename C> | |
const NodeSequenceField< N, C > * | newExposedField (string n, vector< Ref< C > > N::*v, bool(N::*f)(const vector< Ref< C > > &, const Time &), EventSource N::*s, Time N::*p) |
template<class N, typename C> | |
const NodeSequenceField< N, C > * | newEventOut (string n, vector< Ref< C > > N::*v, EventSource N::*s) |
void | initializeFieldTypes () |
void | initializeGeometryComponent () |
void | initializeGeopropComponent () |
void | initializeGroupComponent () |
Initialize the runtime type information for the Aggregation and transformation component The following components must be initialized first:
| |
void | initializeInterpolationComponent () |
Vector3 | normalInterp (double x, double x1, double x2, Vector3 y1, Vector3 y2) |
Rotation3 | rotInterp (double x, double x1, double x2, Rotation3 y1, Rotation3 y2) |
void | initializeLightComponent () |
void | initializeMouseComponent () |
void | initializeNavigateComponent () |
void | initializeNetworkComponent () |
virtual string | getSpecifier () const =0 |
Must return the unique specifier for this serialized scene file format. | |
virtual bool | checkSignature (Ref< Stream::Reader >) const =0 |
Check if the initial characters from the passed stream identifies the stream contents as being of this format. | |
virtual bool | checkSuffix (string suffix) const =0 |
Check if the passed suffix is a proper file name suffix for this file format. | |
virtual Ref< Scene > | load (Ref< Stream::Reader >, ProgressTracker *, Logger *) const =0 throw (InvalidFormatException, IOException, UnexpectedException) |
virtual void | save (Ref< Scene >, Ref< Stream::Writer >, ProgressTracker *, Logger *) const =0 throw (IOException, UnexpectedException) |
virtual | ~Format () |
Ensures proper destruction of derived classes. | |
void | initializeScriptComponent () |
void | initializeTextComponent () |
void | addFontPath (string p) |
void | initializeTextureComponent () |
void | initializeTimeComponent () |
void | initialize () |
This function must be called prior to any use of the X3D library. | |
Variables | |
Archon::X3D::VrmlExporter | s |
string | containerField = "" |
string | indent = "" |
const unsigned | fieldTypeIndexRoof = 30 |
Archon::X3D::SerializedScene | getNumberOfFormats |
This class represents one single serialized scene format. |
X3D is a specification of a rendering engine based on a spatial scene graph.
The X3D implementation in this namesapce constitutes the heart of 3-D Console and adds many new features on top of the X3D specification. New features are added as needed by 3-D Console, but does always seek not to break compatibility with the X3D specification.
Check if the passed suffix is a proper file name suffix for this file format.
Must return the unique specifier for this serialized scene file format. The specifier is the sub-field of the MIME type. That is, the part of the MIME type after "model/x3d+". |
If so, this should be prevented. Well, does it even need to be defined as a type here? And, could it not be moved to X3D::SAI?. Definition at line 49 of file network.C. References fields, Archon::X3D::ApplicationLink::instantiate(), Archon::X3D::Inline::instantiate(), Archon::X3D::NodeType::newAbstract(), Archon::X3D::NodeType::newConcrete(), newExposedField(), Archon::X3D::ApplicationLink::type, Archon::X3D::Inline::type, Archon::X3D::SFBool::type, Archon::X3D::ChildNode::type, Archon::X3D::SubSceneNode::type, Archon::X3D::UrlObject::type, and Archon::X3D::MFString::type. Referenced by initialize(). |
Nothe that the outer-most linear interpolation serves only to soften the transistion from y1 to y2. Without it, numerical error has too big an impact on the visual result. Definition at line 202 of file interpolation.C. References Archon::Math::dot(), Archon::Math::linInterp(), n, and Archon::Math::BasicVector< T, N >::normalize(). Referenced by rotInterp(). |
Definition at line 221 of file interpolation.C. References Archon::Math::Rotation3::angle, Archon::Math::Rotation3::axis, Archon::Math::linInterp(), and normalInterp(). |
This class represents one single serialized scene format. It could be VRML or it could be XML or it could be anything else. It is an abstract base class or interface listing the methods required for loading and saving scenes. |