Archon::Raytracer::ViewState Struct Reference

Collaboration diagram for Archon::Raytracer::ViewState:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ViewState (KeyboardEvents::Dispatcher *k, MouseEvents::Dispatcher *m, Window *w, View *v)
Vector3 findTrackballPos (unsigned x, unsigned y)
 Primary resource:
void depthMarkerModeOn ()
void depthMarkerModeOff ()
void trackballMode (unsigned x, unsigned y, bool press)
void trackballDepthMode (unsigned x, unsigned y, bool press)
void trackballChangeDepthMode (unsigned x, unsigned y, bool press)
void travelMode (unsigned, unsigned, bool press)
void yawAndPitchMode (unsigned, unsigned, bool press)
void changeDepth (unsigned xAbs, unsigned yAbs, int xRel, int yRel)
void trackballRoll (unsigned xAbs, unsigned yAbs, int xRel, int yRel)
 Primary resource:
void travel (unsigned xAbs, unsigned yAbs, int xRel, int yRel)
void yawAndPitch (unsigned xAbs, unsigned yAbs, int xRel, int yRel)
void sensorModeOn ()
void sensorModeOff ()
void sensorTrack (unsigned, unsigned, int, int)
void sensorActivate (unsigned, unsigned, bool press)

Public Attributes

bool showDepthMarker
double markerDepth
Vector3 trackballPos
double trackballRadius
bool sensorMode
bool sensorUpdate
Ref< Window::MouseCursorsensorMouseCursor
Ref< Window::MouseCursoroverSensorMouseCursor
bool pointingDeviceActive

Detailed Description

Definition at line 185 of file scene_view.C.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun Jul 30 22:57:04 2006 for Archon by  doxygen 1.4.4