Archon::X3D::SAI::Session::Servant Struct Reference

Inheritance diagram for Archon::X3D::SAI::Session::Servant:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Archon::X3D::SAI::Session::Servant:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Servant (Ref< SAI::Session > session)
 ~Servant ()
char * getServerName ()
CORBA::Double getCurrentFrameRate ()
CORBA::ULong createApplicationScene (const char *baseUri, CORBA::Boolean localFileUri)
CORBA::ULong loadApplicationScene (const char *uri, CORBA::Boolean localFileUri)
void launchApplicationScene (CORBA::ULong contextId)
void withdrawApplicationScene (CORBA::ULong contextId)
void beginUpdate ()
void endUpdate ()
void print (const char *s)
void setSynchronizedChangesEnabled (CORBA::Boolean enabled)
void disposeBatch (const x3d::sai::DisposeSeq &contexts, const x3d::sai::DisposeSeq &nodes)
void disposeSession ()
char * getBaseUri (CORBA::ULong contextId)
CORBA::ULong getRootGroup (CORBA::ULong contextId)
void setRootGroup (CORBA::ULong contextId, CORBA::ULong nodeId)
CORBA::ULong createNode (CORBA::ULong contextId, const char *typeName)
CORBA::ULong createNodeFast (CORBA::ULong contextId, CORBA::ULong typeId)
CORBA::ULong getNode (CORBA::ULong contextId, const char *nodeName)
void addRoute (CORBA::ULong contextId, CORBA::ULong fromNodeId, CORBA::ULong fromFieldId, CORBA::ULong toNodeId, CORBA::ULong toFieldId)
void delRoute (CORBA::ULong contextId, CORBA::ULong fromNodeId, CORBA::ULong fromFieldId, CORBA::ULong toNodeId, CORBA::ULong toFieldId)
CORBA::ULong createGroupFromStream (CORBA::ULong contextId, x3d::sai::StreamReader_ptr r)
void disposeContext (CORBA::ULong contextId)
char * getNodeType (CORBA::ULong nodeId)
CORBA::ULong getField (CORBA::ULong nodeId, const char *name)
void disposeNode (CORBA::ULong nodeId)
CORBA::ULong getFieldType (CORBA::ULong nodeId, CORBA::ULong fieldId)
char * getFieldName (CORBA::ULong nodeId, CORBA::ULong fieldId)
CORBA::ULong getFieldAccessType (CORBA::ULong nodeId, CORBA::ULong fieldId)
void registerFieldInterest (CORBA::ULong nodeId, CORBA::ULong fieldId, CORBA::ULong cookie)
void unRegisterFieldInterest (CORBA::ULong nodeId, CORBA::ULong fieldId, CORBA::ULong cookie)
x3d::sai::Value * getFieldValue (CORBA::ULong nodeId, CORBA::ULong fieldId)
void setFieldValue (CORBA::ULong nodeId, CORBA::ULong fieldId, const x3d::sai::Value &value)
x3d::sai::Value * getFieldValueAt (CORBA::ULong nodeId, CORBA::ULong fieldId, CORBA::ULong index)
void setFieldValueAt (CORBA::ULong nodeId, CORBA::ULong fieldId, CORBA::ULong index, const x3d::sai::Value &value)
void setFieldValueAdd (CORBA::ULong nodeId, CORBA::ULong fieldId, const x3d::sai::Value &value)
void setFieldValueDel (CORBA::ULong nodeId, CORBA::ULong fieldId, const x3d::sai::Value &value)
void disposeField (CORBA::ULong fieldId)

Public Attributes

const BackRef< SAI::Sessionsession

Detailed Description

Definition at line 60 of file session.C.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun Jul 30 23:03:48 2006 for Archon by  doxygen 1.4.4